At the moment, napalm is a very slow shade, that can be shot. His attack rate is slow, his ignite skill might tickle humans a bit and then takes about 30 secs to recharge.
It can spunge some bullets for zombie team, but it dies very fast and shades can do that a lot better.
It costs a Whopping 70000.
At the current moment, most people who use it, regret getting it. They usually then think: Why did i not go fleshburner? I know he is nerfed to only be a nuisance to the human team, but i might actually have dealt some damage.
What i recommend to change:
Either increase attack damage to that of ancient nightmare (or increase attack rate).
Add a AoE with fire like the shadow shade. Would make A lot of sence, cause he is A Napalm Zombie and not a matchstick Zombie.
Increase speed or add regenerating armour.
(Incase there are spelling mistakes, im sorry, im german)
Alright, lets see what Hmain bitches first! =D