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  1. Rains


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  2. Admiral MacK

    Admiral MacK

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. food nice cat u got there, ey?
    1 point
  4. 1. ::Turns On CrossHair built into Monitor: 2. Choose NoScope or Shotgun LR 3. Profit 4. Never tell anyone about the crosshair
    1 point
  5. But the fps-max * command only limits your fps. But well maybe thats the strat I will take it. I am pretty sure most people needed this info, thanks.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Usage for sm_coloredname Creating the code: -Use https://htmlcolorcodes.com/ to retrieve HTML Color Codes of your choice. You can go there and manually select any color you wish at a precise tuning. -Always use { } to hold the characters for the code. Example. - {5E7B3A} (If the server is running SM 1.10 include the # before the numbers but inside the brackets) -Always place the code in front of the letters to the right you wish to be that color. Example. - {5E7B3A}Name -To make multiple colors, just add more codes in front of the colors to the right of it. Example. - {689233}Na{5E7B3A}me This method can be used to create an entire name with colors. View the spoiler tab below to view all options for color names. Creating a Matching Tag Note: Creating a tag that impersonates our admins is strictly against the rules (i.e. [Admin]) Use the color code {green} to have the same color as the [ ] on your [VIP] tag. Same goes for all levels of Admin. Example. - {green}[HG] = [HG] Use ^3 to make certain characters your team color. Example. - {green}[^3HG{green}] = [HG] / [HG] For advanced users, you can use the codes beneath for simplified codes. Note that some do not work. Colors ^0 - Default ^1 - Default ^2 - White ^3 - Team color ^4 - Green ^5 - Olive green ^6 - Item color (usually yellow, black if the client hasn't seen an item found or crafted yet)[TF2] (this does not work well / is disabled) ^7 - Default ^8 - Team ^9 - Green Remember: The longer the name, the fewer codes you will be able to use. -All names under 12 characters can have individual codes (for more detail). Example. - sm_coloredname {FF0000}[{FF4000}H{FF8000}G{FFBF00}] {FFFF00}A{BFFF00}d{80FF00}m{40FF00}i{00FF00}r{00FF40}a{00FF80}l = [HG] Admiral {}[{}H{}G{}] {}A{}d{}m{}i{}r{}a{}l -For longer names, less codes will have to be used for more overall spacing between codes (To not glitch out and say “LOL MY NAMES TOO LONG”). Example. - {871212}Im{A41414}pe{B42020}ri{C21818}al {D81C1C}Kni{FF1111}ght = Imperial Knight {}Im{}pe{}ri{}al {}Kni{}ght -Once you have your colored name prepared, make sure to have "sm_coloredname" in front of the code when entering it in the developer console. Take Note: Once you have a finalized version of the code, you will want to save it in a text file or Google Doc to not lose it. However, if you have lost it you can type /coloredname_list in chat to get a copy of your finalized colored name. Troubleshooting: If your name says “LOL MY NAME IS TO LONG” #1. Check-in /items that your colored name is enabled. Disable it and re-enable it before re-entering the name into the console. #2. Check to see if your name has too many codes for the number of letters per code. Too many codes in a longer name will make this happen. Remove a few codes and try it again. UPDATE: If none of the troubleshooting steps resolve your issue, you might have to check the version of SourceMod the server is running. SM 1.6 - 1.9 use the HTML color codes as seen above. However, SM 1.10 (example of console output) requires you to have # in front of all the codes. Example. - sm_coloredname {#FF0000}[{#FF4000}H{#FF8000}G{#FFBF00}] {#FFFF00}A{#BFFF00}d{#80FF00}m{#40FF00}i{#00FF00}r{#00FF40}a{#00FF80}l = [HG] Admiral For any questions/concerns on this topic, contact Admiral MacK. More information can be found HERE . Created by Admiral MacK 2018.
    1 point
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