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  1. Benz


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/21 in all areas

  1. Huge congrats to all! It is crazy seeing some of these names in yellow and orange... I'm sure each and every one of you will do us proud!
    3 points
  2. Thank you to everyone that ran in this years elections and congratulations to all of our new board members and executive directors! I am super excited to work with everyone! Let's get it guys!
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. I feel for @Fortis, after losing to a person like @Fortis, must be tough...
    2 points
  6. Voting is over! Click here to view the results of the 2021 HG Leadership Elections! It is with great honor that I announce the winners of the 2021 HG Leadership elections! They are as follows: Executive Secretary: Lucas15 Director of Community Engagement: Eric Executive Director of External Affairs: brgr Director of the Development Community: Fortis Executive Director of Internal Affairs: Eddiecam Director of Gaming Divisions: Spawn Congratulations to all of the winners! Go give their profiles some love! They will serve HellsGamers at the highest positions for the next year, until the end of Summer 2022. Winners, you'll have someone reach out to you over the coming days to discuss exact duties and to get started! Detailed results are attached to this post. Special thanks to @imasonaz and @colinthe5 for assistance in running this year's Elections. View full article
    1 point
  7. Happy Birthday Lark! Hope you had a great day. If you would like an HG Birthday Decal click here >>>>>>>>>https://hellsgamers.com/forms/50-hg-birthday-decal-request/
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Congrats to @EddieCam MY MAN, I knew you would make me proud
    1 point
  10. fortis 1 over fortis 2 every day of the week. congratz everyone!!
    1 point
  11. I was gonna say congratulations to all-- dunno who that Lucas15 guy is, though. jk Congrats to all!!!!
    1 point
  12. Congrats to this great group of people!
    1 point
  13. Congrats everyone! p.s. get fucked Fortis2
    1 point
  14. Congrats on [D] again! You were a solid director when you ran gaming. I'm sure we'll see that again with DC
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Nice! Congrats to all. Can't wait to see what the new directors can bring to the table.
    1 point
  17. Fortis, I know it was a long fought race, but the best man had to when so.... I guess thats why they gave it to Fortis, I hope you can get past this set back, and continue, who knows kido, maybe next year.... LOL jk, Congrats bro!!!
    1 point
  18. Grats on your promo to head of Community Engagements!!! Eric you have always done the right thing by the community, and I am so happy for you earning your new spot!
    1 point
  19. Congrats everyone sadly I didn't win the founder position but that doesn't matter
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I wanted to thank everyone for their civil discussion here. We've had significant internal discussion on this and have taken the feedback in this thread to move forward in expanding and improving our current policies and procedures to better welcome and empower everyone to our community. Hellsgamers has always had a policy of inclusion and openness, and I'm sorry to @Keltonthat we may have fallen short on that. We all strive to be inclusive and not divisive, and with that I hope to encourage more constructive civil discussion like this in the future. Please look out for these policy changes in the next month or so and if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to message me.
    1 point
  22. Recently I've become quite uncomfortable with the number of my friends and fellow members of HG who have begun using homophobic slurs towards my character and in general. This has begun making not only me uncomfortable, but other members of the community uncomfortable. These members when bringing it up to leadership are simply dismayed and made fun of behind closed doors, for being a "snowflake" or deemed soft when they are simply expressing how they feel. This needs to stop. People in the LGBTQ+ community have fought too hard, to endure harassment in the place that I consider my second home, as I am sure many of you also do. I open up TeamSpeak almost every day to laugh with the people that I love and appreciate what they have done for this community, not to be called a fa**** and be put down. Although I know many people in the LGBTQ+ community have different takes on what they deem to be offensive to them, my rule is simply this. If we don't allow racist comments, any server that has Hells Gamers in the name for being offensive. Then don't allow 14 yr old's to scream homophobic slurs in their mic. It's sad hearing a grown man calling me a fa****, when I know he is truly depressed with himself, he has to put others down to watch a smile stretch across his face. Rule #1 states "Please be respectful to all members. Any issues should be brought up to a Division Staff or above." So why are we not doing that?! When I've personally brought it up to others, I am told to "stop talking to him then" and they continue to do it. This is unjust. I believe that we should begin to discourage others from using homophobic slurs or being transphobic in HellsGamers servers, for the better of being respectful to others, and not creating issues with one another. I want to remain a part of this community, I have many friends that I love talking to, and wish to maintain in my life. In doing so they respect me and have begun not saying these things around me. If I am being real here, I know no one cannot control what happens outside of Hg servers, but for once please create a safe place for everyone from all walks of life, to enjoy Hg for what it is, a community of people that laugh, watch blacklist together, and play games together. If that's not family then I don't know what is. This past year, I've had a lot of hardships with my family, I didn't live with them for over a month, and being with you guys really stopped me from doing some really fucked up things. If you read this far, please know I love you, appreciate you, and hear me out when I say, thank you. With love, Kelton TLDR; Stop saying fa****.
    1 point
  23. If this is already the case and we have a member coming to us and saying that they don't like it and feel disrespected than we should already stop people saying "you're a fa***" and using it in a demeaning way. You're literally agreeing with us. We just need upper management to come forward and say that it applies to using fa***. Also "just block LOL" is the worst take I've seen in a long time. Address the problem rather than tell victims to "just ignore it", If it's getting to the point we have members coming forward there is a problem and it probably needs to be seriously addressed.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
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