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Weeman last won the day on April 14 2019

Weeman had the most liked content!

About Weeman

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    New York
  • Occupation
    Owner of Probono+
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    Always been a friendly person, love helping others. currently majoring in Sociology and Psychology.

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  1. What's up weeman!


    1. ASCII


      Thanks, it's in my feed again hahaha!

  3. https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdmo/pr/republic-man-sentenced-20-years-coercion-and-enticement-minor

    1. Burnt


      Thank god.  

  4. I think this needs resurrecting


  5. You what up home slices. This new forum layout looks a bit weird with the box formatting. Or is that just me?
  6. Just a howdy do and to see if anyone else I know is still kickin around.
  7. Cause this place has green chile. Its basically crack in pepper form.
  8. I found out take and bake pizza is a thing in the Southwest. Also It's very windy and people think they need a passport to come here.
  9. I live in New Mexico now. #FreeJetta Also who deleted Studio A i'll fight you in my driveway.
  10. How do you still have the same fkn avatar sweet jesus.

  11. Welcome Back


  12. You will always be my brother from another Morther bud! <3

  13. Its quite possible that your crossfire setup got messed up. Make sure the bridge is secured, it might have been knocked off partially during transport, or like others have stated there may be a dust build up. Honestly the best thing I can think of for diagnosis purposes is to try with 1 video card and see what framerate you get, swap it with the other card and see what framerate you get, and then put both back in since if one card's fan is failing and overheating its going to affect the other.