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About Love

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Video Games, School, Basketball
  • Bio
    If you don't know me, then you aren't my best friend.:(((((((

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  • Minecraft
  • XBOX Live

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  • SteamID 3
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Elite Member II

Elite Member II (6/10)



  1. MIAZX-VGKE7-99WD2

  2. https://prnt.sc/hsb3ao gimme reccomendations on how to spend this
    1. brgr.


      Enter the Gungeon or buy cs:go knife idk lol

    2. Past


      Treat yo loved one and invite me to some korean bbq

  3. Love

    Why This

    The thing is, this is already a rule instated by Jayyyyy a long time ago. " If your FPS/PING interferes with your game play for 3 or more rounds in a row. The rest of the team can take a vote. If ALL 4 other members agree that you need a sub then you must pause the match and find a sub. If you are caught abusing this system and kicking players who are not having issues you will be banned. To additionally clarify, the lagging individual that is being kicked cannot be banned for not finding a sub if the above process is followed correctly, and the type of lag we are referring to would make it so the lag makes it unable to play in a ddos-esque state, not if someone simply lives very far from the server. "
  4. MaTt

    why u not on :( come 10man sometime :)

  5. Skys

    Hello, I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart.

  6. brgr.

    Happy b-day! :D

  7. I'd personally recommend it, on certain conditions. For one, this game is definitely a lot more fun with friends. Solo is not fun in my opinion, but that can be a different thing for you. Even though they're optimizing it for low-end computers, I feel it's a lot more fun and an "advantage" when you have a higher end PC.
  8. Anyone who votes OPM is a bunch of normies. Let's get the feels going with Koe no Katachi.