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Lemonade! last won the day on March 20 2021

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  1. I dont want to come off as condescending but this his how you and some other people here show how you guys are uneducated. the term allaha ackbar or whatever isnt used by just terrorists. its used by muslims world-wide. it literally means god is great and muslims around the world say the term when they are in stressful situations or in any situation to show emotion. so its basically a common vernacular
  2. ^ this I am a muslim man myself and it is unfunny when people make racist jokes such as "alalalal" "allahu ackbar". This isnt a good look for the server especially when the game csgo esports itself started losing sponsorships because big companies did not want to sponsor anything that had to do with "terrorists" and blowing stuff up. for example you look at valorant now and the spike is another word for the bomb and both sides are called attackers and defenders. for you to say that its been a part of the game for decades now and it is fine the way it is, is the reason why cancel culture has been thriving on twitter because being racist in 2021 is not cool. people are adapting and people get left behind that defend these ideologies
  3. Lemonade1337 Bronze https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=lemonade1337
  4. I just want to say, today I proved all the haters wrong and I am not finished yet. the journey has yet to begin!

  5. https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=239088-stemedhams so everyone gonna turn a blind eye for this one or what

    1. Donny1020


      lemon...run! they are gonna find out you like anime girls

    2. FoxHound


      weeaboo genocide

  6. heres 3 ideas i have, some of them might have been suggested before and i think these are generally good. @Papa John -add a wrench tool to tow truck driver, rn that job is just serving as a grief tool. wrench can fix car hp and tires. -if server crashes or someone dcs and they have props down, implement a system where lost props go back to ur bank storage (this might exist but it doesnt work) -this is for my boy homer, decrease storage in banks for normal players and vip+ get the normal size inventory in their bank storage. -make mp5 craft-able for more gun flexibility
  7. Last visited Saturday at 01:10 AM. what are you doing in my territory scumbag

  8. Your prize from Haloween Boo has been sent! Congrats again and Enjoy!

    1. Haze


      wow congrats lemonade!

  9. GOLD account event prize awarded!

  10. Congrats on Recruit and welcome! :D 

  11. Congratulations on Recruit & welcome back!