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  1. To get robbed SUCKS!

    1. maximus724


      Even by your mom, which is worse.

    2. TheIceTiger
  2. Your picture is so god damn cute! :3

  3. What's ya goal for this week? :3 I don't really have any besides playing.

  4. There's too many easter eggs/secrets in GTA:SA... =\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheIceTiger


      I didn't say it was bad.

    3. Dolan


      well you puy that =\ face there

    4. TheIceTiger


      Yeah because they just overfilled the game with them. But I don't think it's bad in any way.

  5. YouTube is the only thing that helps in school... =<

  6. I dunno why but I think you're so fucking awesome. xD

  7. Do you have a cookie I can have ?

  8. Here is some good console commands to know: - To get STEAM_ID: Go to a server and type status in your console. :3 - Connect <IP> example: connect on Garry's Mod this will get you on the PERP server. - For key binding's: bind key lead (good for jailbreak so you don't spam ! and upset red) bind key kill (binds to slay [obviousry]) bind <KEY> "say Hello World!" (With quotes) then when you press the key you binded it to it will display in the server chat. I will not recommend to use this for the only purpose of spamming. bind <KEY> "quit" Makes you quit the game. - For demo's: record demonamehere (eg record kimzy the demo name will be kimzy) stop (to stop the demo) playdemo demonamehere (eg playdemo kimzy) not really a console command but to bring the demoplayer thingy up press shift+f2 - FPS and other related stuff: fps_max enteramounthere (eg fps_max 54) net_graph 1 Shows FPS and some other cool stuff. cl_showpos 1 (shows speed and a few others) - "fun" or interesting ones: bind key "drop;drop" to make your weapon drop extra far (eg: bind p "drop;drop") unbind key to unbind for example a bind you put to a key (eg: unbind p) cl_allowdownload all if you're having error signs instead of custom skins cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 if you want the ragdolls to disappear as soon as they die. put it to 1 (that's what it's normally set on) if you want them to stay laying on the ground :3 [i bet you wanna teabag.] Thanks kimzy and xafizzle
  9. So do you live in east or west ? :3
  10. If HG could get a stranded server... =\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheIceTiger


      Is it possible that they can make a new one? Now that HG are more popular.

    3. Polar


      No. I already tried.

    4. Bear+


      Stranded? Sounds interesting, may I have a link to it?


  11. Congratulations to all 3!