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Webflashing last won the day on January 28 2014

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  1. 2 things: 1. You didn't explain why in the last maps you posted 2. I have told you many times to explain why the maps should be removed. If you are not going to try to explain why these maps should be removed and give detail rather than just saying "map is cancer" like in this post : Not much can be done. Also, maps won't be removed just because 1 person (out of 50) doesn't enjoy it. It is annoying when the same thing has been said many times and you don't seem to get it. Let's give an example: zs_neighborhood_v2 *Doesn't have many props to cade with. *Has broken zombie spawns. *Crashes for some people etc... You should try to follow something like that when you are explaining rather than just saying "self explanatory": And btw i am not sure if someone has told you this: If the problem is a cading spot why don't you try cading somewhere else?
  2. If you can explain why are they terrible, leadership can take a look into it. Just posting names here won't do much by itself.
  3. I did this for a long time and nobody complained. Why even call it an exploit?
  4. So you want to play with afk zombies?
  5. Yeah, like i could do that. You also didn't even realize i gave you your own steamid.
  6. Or make vertigo 24/7. To stop the complaints.