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Friend of HG GMOD Division Leader | GMOD Server Manager | ZS Dev
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Train last won the day on November 9 2021

Train had the most liked content!


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  1. I'm not going to make it punishable for being "Too good."
  2. The clarification is, don't votekick moderators. If you feel like what they are doing is wrong or unjust, gather proof and post an abuse report. From what I see, you guys got mad at decay for going zmain and being very good. causing pop loss because someone is good at being a zmain is not a reason to votekick a moderator and claim he was abusing for stopping an invalid vote. Best advice I can give you in this situation is stop complaining and get good. Otherwise, don't waste everyones time crying because people don't like that he's too good. What do you want me to do about him being as good as he is? Ban him from zmaining just because you guys don't like it? What if you all of a sudden got good at zmain like decay, should i just ban every good zmain?
  3. congratz on green name :) 

  4. Benz

    Congrats Friend

  5. Congrats on trial mod!

  6. Congrats on full mod!

    1. Decay


      Thanks train.

  7. Train

    I'm late but, grats on council!

    1. Benz


      Thank you Train! I appreciate it

  8. Benz

    My boy! Congrats on the big :staff: