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I Love Lamp

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I Love Lamp last won the day on December 16 2014

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About I Love Lamp

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Omniscient Member (10/10)



  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Best name ever tbh.

  3. Happy Burfday!

  4. happy birthday!

  5. I like your avatar.

  6. It says that you were a member since 1976?! Wat?!

    1. I Love Lamp

      I Love Lamp

      You could say I'm pretty old school.

    2. Spazer


      How can you be a HG member 11 years before you were born.....

  7. 0/10 gave me AIDS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0H3RlaQVrM Coheed and Cambria
  8. 8/10. When I was a kid, that song played on the radio almost constantly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3YVKTxTOgU Artist: Brand New Song: Sic Transit Gloria (Glory Fades) Year: 2003 Album: Deja Entendu...I think? I was going to post Coheed and Cambria, but I'm going to see Brand New in concert in a few weeks, so it seemed appropriate.
  9. Just realised your name is from Anchorman lol

  10. Happy Birthday!