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Noun last won the day on April 19 2015

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  1. Covid sucks but it pays so well ❤

  2. Noun

    sup nerd 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zoomy


      oh lmao its u harley u just keep changing your name

    3. Noun


      Display Names are ever changing, How are you Zoomy?

    4. zoomy
  3. Big bad hombre on the run from the law, got caught doing lines of coke in the women's stall.

  4. :wub: Just got my GDP seeds today, I think I'm In love lmao

  5. I hate attending Summer & Winter semester :(

  6. Fortnite Trash Season 9 Hype!

  7. 1st one who buys from my ars gets some free succ from haugen.

  8. 4:25 am and  nothing to do lmao

  9. Wonderland i've known you for so long  and have always looked up to you :) you're a great moderator; with that being said don't let these snowflakes get the best of you :D 

    Much love,

    ~El Trapo 

  10. Oh shit we get to play on a toystory inspired map? That's hella dope. <please add in Green army men props. I will love you long time if you do.