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Lumpymayo last won the day on October 20 2015

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  1. When 50% of the humans are dead tier 4 weapons become unlocked, but tier 3 weapons remain locked. It would make more sense if both tier 4 and tier 3 weapons were unlocked at 50% dead. I can't imagine this would have any negative effects on the balance.
  2. whats an advanced member

  3. Can we please reduce the amount of replays these zombie escape maps have? I feels like they have 5+ replays and the maps take over an hour.
  4. New bug that is happening today. When a person dies the remaining humans can not remove the nails of the dead player. In this picture none of the nails owned by Ser Arland could be removed even though Ser Arland was not even connected to the server.
  5. Map Name: Snowy Castle Current version on the server: ZS_Snowy_Castle New version: ZS_Snowy_Castle_v2 Link to map download or thread containing the download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WrAPwi9ygs1yI2jbzk6injnnZEMkL3hT/view Reason for update (if applicable): Widened two overpowered choke points upstairs because humans have multiple fall backs. I have seen the zombie team get stuck on these choke points multiple times. Expanded final room upstairs.
  6. Face shouldn't be reading forums during school.
  7. Nerfing a weapon to the extent that nobody will ever use it is bad game design.
  8. I think on the next version of rescape all of the guitar music should be removed. I feel that it does not add to the atmosphere of the map. I recommend replacing all of the music on rescape with music from the Half-Life 2 sound track. The HL2 soundtrack will be much more appropriate.
  9. rip zs

    1. ATB


      when its not broken but waiting for Cd to update server :(

    2. Lumpymayo



  10. One of the best secrets you can learn is how to phase jump. When I first saw it I thought people were cheating. It's a very overpowered mechanic that surprisingly few players know about. https://steamcommuni...s/?id=383001739 Another secret people are abusing is that they are purposely picking the green Counter Strike CT player model because it has a broken aura. Most of the time that player model will not have a green dot hovering inside of them making it more difficult for zombies to hit. Bonemesh bombs can roll of the floor if you aim correctly allowing much greater control on where they explode. A shovel has a longer melee range than the sledge hammer. It's useful if you are buying a melee weapon specifically to knock zombies off a ledge. It would be better to buy a shovel instead of a sledge if you are trying to knockback the zombies. Poison headcrab spit only distorts the humans view if you hit them in the head. If you are a zombie you can have a much higher % chance of becoming the spawn point if you are crouching or laying down. If you have an AFK warning you will not be the spawn point. You will also have a higher % if you are standing next to a group of humans. If there are 2 cades, a solo cade with 1 person and a main cade with the rest of the human team then the spawn system will select zombies close to the main cade as the spawn point. If you are a zombie and you want to become a boss zombie, if you have the AFK warning when the boss zombies are picked then you will not become a boss zombie. If you want to become a boss zombie you do not have to kill or hurt humans, you can farm damage to props and if you do enough damage you will be selected as boss. You have to make sure the props you are farming are within a certain radius of a human. If you are unsure if you are close enough to humans you can hit the prop once then kill yourself, if you see that you have done X damage to props in the lower right corner then you can confirm that damage is being added to your boss damage total. If you have an AFK warning when the game starts and the volunteer zombies are being picked then you will not be selected as a volunteer no matter where you are standing. If you pick a worth menu loadout and become a zombie, when you redeem you will still retain traits of that worth menu loadout. This has been abused in the past with people using it to get an arsenal crate when they redeem so they can buy a suicide bomb and jihad the zombie horde. Sometimes they will make a secret cade and abandon it so it will be ready for them when they redeem. Sometimes they will place an arsenal crate in a secret spot like on top of the rocks on ZS_Storm then become a zombie then redeem at the very end of the game and rush to the arsenal to buy a suicide bomb.