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Friend of HG Senior Executive Secretary
  • Donor Level 7
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    240.00 USD 

colinthe5 last won the day on April 14 2022

colinthe5 had the most liked content!

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  • SteamID 3
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colinthe5's Achievements

Elite Member III

Elite Member III (7/10)



  1. The defamation case of The people of HG vs Scorchgamer123 will be held in "the courtroom" TeamSpeak channel on 06/05/2021 at 12 p.m pst
  2. colinthe5

    CB+ meeting

    Be there or b²
  3. mr. colin do you think when the the does the the the the should the?

  4. colinthe5

    cs:go CTU CTs

    just get good at the game and kill them
  5. colinthe5

    not enough info colinthe5 (ts3 abuse report)

    He broke rules 3 of our member rules and deserved all of the punishments.
  6. Hey you only did 6 days. Are you going to finish?
  7. Happy birthday??

  8. Yoo happy birthday homie!

  9. 1312 has an open spot also. If you want to join please message Fire for an interview. It is super hard to get into though.
  10. colinthe5

    CB+ meeting

    Hey you guys know the drill Be there or be square
  11. I don't play CS:S much, but don't be scared to come say hey in TS. If you're ever bored at night and want people to hang with come down to whatever CS:GO channel we are in
  12. Glad to hear the good news