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abbyxz last won the day on December 8 2015

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  1. anyone on PS4? have overwatch, Siege, RL, FIFA18, etc..

  2. anyone recommend a good anime?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. abbyxz


      @M A I N E i saw that years ago when Disney used to be good xD but ok

      @Bosch seen it

      @Jxhn any to be honest

      @Vicious might look into that one

      @Destroy seen it and readed the manga

      @Menoch added to list

      @XxwonderbredxX seen SAO and Zoids (when i was a kid xD) might look into the other one


      Thanks for the suggestions :3

    3. XxwonderbredxX


      Id only recommend initial D if you into cars or drifting, you might not like it then.

    4. abbyxz


      I do like cars and drifting if they're good, unlike the latest Fast and Furious movies lol

  3. i'd suggest the Artics 5 from Steelseries, they're really comfy and do a very good job.They cost $100
  4. anyone with ps4 to play with? i play bunch of games :3

  5. dead by deadlight on ps4, $30, is it worth it?

  6. Sony E3, pretty good, Spiderman looks awesome, remake of shadow of the colossus, Days Gone, God of War, Detroit become human, etc...and still no release date lol

  7. bad limenie bad!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. abbyxz


      go to your bedroom D:

    3. .Niina.


      No >:( you don't rule me *jumps out of the window like a ninja*

    4. abbyxz


      nooo bad limenie!

  8. Anthem, Metro, AC Origins, Life Is Strange 2 Before the storm, omg i want them all :3 and tomorrow is Sony turn :D

  9. Star wars battlefront 2, Anthem and A way out, best of today :D

  10. Tekken 7, you must have it :3 great game

  11. about to pre-order star wars battlefront 2, i know i wont regret it :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. �� KingHill-Chan ��
    3. abbyxz


      @brgr haha neva!

    4. abbyxz


      @KingHill it's like the 4th pre-order i ever do and so far i haven't been dissapointed, Battlefield 1, FIFA17, South Park Fractured But Whole (not out yet) and now this xD

  12. how are you retired leadership but still leader? how that works?! D:

    1. KB


      Retired leadership to being apart of cs:go staff. I stepped down last year.

    2. KB


      I went away from actual game moderation to Leading the media platform for HGCE>

    3. abbyxz


      ohh i see, thank you senpai :3

  13. get it on sale, not worth $60 I suggest if you don't have it already of course Battlefield 1 or 4 (lot of people still plays it) and this is new but Outlast 2 is pretty good too
  14. Outlast 2 is pretty cool, cheap and spoopy :3, pretty short a little bit longer than the first one but still cool, totally recommend it :D