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exite last won the day on May 27 2018

exite had the most liked content!

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Elite Member IV

Elite Member IV (8/10)



  1. https://imgur.com/C73RDR8

    thanks for the profile pic exite :)

    1. exite


      So u were Impulse, no problem man

  2. After how many years, I finally found my jb soundboard lmao

    can't believe I'm still friends with ya'll after all that bullying... specially to LCM and @Charlie

    1. exite
    2. epicgamercharchar1312[UK]


      You gotta make a post or something of all the old voicelines you had haha, I honestly can't even remember how you'd bully me


      but I probably deserved it ;)

  3. Hey, hope we can get along well
  4. who gave u permission to snitch
  5. repair main during dh
  6. Dont die on me now

  7. I think exite's back How's everyone doing? Wish I can play jb, but my weak ass laptop can only handle gmod. Looking forward to playing everyone soon~
  8. eyooow

    1. BOSCH


      Hey man!!! Long time no chat!! how've ya been???

    2. KB


      Admun please!

  9. Miss you exite Dm me once you see this

  10. lol, reading my old content's giving me mixed emotions :<
    Wish I can make a comeback soon :<