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dizyvipr last won the day on September 15 2013

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Bite Me
  • Occupation
    Figuring it out
  • Interests
    Gaming, Graphic Art, Writing
  • Bio
    I am Godzilla.

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  • Minecraft

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  1. I keep forgetting that I exist.

  2. What happened?!

    1. dizyvipr


      what happened with what?

    2. Jella


      I don't remember lol, oops.

  3. Hope the new year started off well for everyone.

    1. MCZorba


      Definitely! Hope things work out well for you in this new year.

    2. imasonaz
  4. Merry Christmas, HG!!

  5. I miss y'all ;* Stay classy, guys.

    1. Crucible


      I miss gaming with you Dizy if it weren't for you i wouldn't have gotten into HG.. Peace

    2. dizyvipr


      Maybe we can game again one day. I'm not sure when, but stay in touch!

  6. To be honest, I can't imagine joining another clan after the time I spent in HG. I mean, sure, if I ever pick up video gaming again there a few clans I've had fun with on their servers, but HG was and still is my home, even if most who knew me is pretty much gone. I may have left the clan but it will always be my family. This thread as a whole is pretty awesome. Yes, there are issues within the clan. But, every family has problems. Every clan has issues. The fact that HG is still standing strong after ALL this time should tell you something. Yes, people will leave. Yes, there will be drama. Yes, people won't always get along or they will disagree with the way things are handled. But, the staff of this clan are working every day to fix as many issues as they can, to help the clan grow, and to keep the foundation strong. One of the biggest reasons I've seen people leave is because they have no faith in what the staff and council are doing or because they don't approve of how much change this clan has been going through. But, in my personal experience the staff is doing as much as they can, when they can, and the change is necessary. Without change, the foundation of this... "House".. Surely would have crumbled by now. But, that isn't the case. If people leave, they leave. Let them go. Let them learn on their own. Let them make their own decisions. Do I approve of how they leave? No. But, it doesn't really matter. We all have our own opinions and we all think differently than one another. We won't always see eye to eye. Some of them will return and some of them won't. Some of them may even leave again. It happens. The only thing we can do is say goodbye and wish them luck.
  7. Whelp. Time to start saving up for a headset.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Reaper


      you finally remembered that e-mail you used? btw, congrats


    3. dizyvipr


      No I contacted steam support and they fixed my account so I could log in and change my email x,D

    4. Reaper


      Very nice! lol, glad you can get back on and game it up


  9. was it your bday?

  10. Hey hell yeah I hit my 5 years in feb. Good goin Keep it up!!!