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CorruptionX last won the day on October 21 2016

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  1. Meowy christmas everyone! I'll see yall next year!

    1. Lucas15


      Merry Christmas to you!

  2. I can't remember who told me this but spaghetti is straight until it gets wet

    1. Lucas15


      Just like me

    2. BOSCH


      pasta is straight until wet, spaghetti is always wet

  3. Rest in pieces Adobe flash

  4. helo its winter again. STay safe and dont do rugs!
  5. Vietnamese Food is tasty.

  6. I seriously thought jb was coming back
  7. For those who don't know me I'm FrostByte the coolest cat on the block. I make mistakes and fall on my face Some of yall are wondering why i'm home so early. I don't plan on rejoining hg anytime soon because I would be extremely inactive. I'm job hunting / career hunting / chasing after a cutie I'll for sure hop on here and they to play a round or two with yall but thats about it. Tl;DR I don't want to tell everyone my business because im not 100% sure if I'm even allowed to talk about it BUT I'm here? Please don't bother me about it.
  8. This is goodbye for at least a year! Take care everyone!