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Zeused last won the day on August 4 2022

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  1. You kept doing it even after finding out, stop lying. And why did you re-enable it? All you do is abuse the loadout bug whenever you play. You claim its for the server, yet you did it multiple times on the event maps and gave yourself an advantage each time? Doesn't matter how long ago it was, doing events when you know they are broken, AND giving yourself an advantage through a bug is just plain abuse. I did not report it at the time because I was planning to disable it and fix it later, but I stepped down. Then I saw you re-enabled it recently knowing full well how buggy it was, its obvious what you are using it for. https://imgur.com/a/qZgEExd https://imgur.com/a/hnFn3R7 admitting to using an armor loadout lol https://imgur.com/a/roYEwSb Also, you stopped doing it after your 2nd time? You told me you did it 3 times. Its almost as if you can't get your story straight This is just straight up lying lol. I told you multiple times to use gitlab because you would get in trouble if you kept using Ptero. https://imgur.com/a/i7uXmHP I also know if this was any dev that had been caught pushing updates through Ptero without telling people, they would have been demoted immediately. And whats with making changes before you even had gitlab access? I remember you telling me you didn't want to wait for malice to give you perms, so you were making changes through Ptero. Its kinda common sense that changing stuff you shouldn't have access to is bad... especially when you don't tell anyone lol. You also made updates without telling anyone, and a lot were not tested. The ones that were tested, you told me and others not to tell anyone so you wouldn't get in trouble, because you knew it was wrong. Are you seriously claiming ignorance to something when you knew full well what you were doing? I am surprised you are still DL, your post is utter bs.
  2. Please take a moment and read the above info about our abuse report policy. Done Abuser Name Decay Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID STEAM_0:0:146648411 Where did this occur? GMod What server? ZS How long ago did this take place? Happens often, id say anytime from today to since he got staff (2 ish months ago) Give us a brief description of the incident. There is a zs event called "teambattlegrounds" that staff+ can enable, which replaces all the props on the map with guns that players can pick up and fight each other. The issue is that the event was bugged. You could choose your loadout before starting the event, giving yourself an advantage. It was also bugged in the way that it would multiply your rewards when played on an event map (ex. zs_construct_excess). On construct, it would give 20 draft chests and 500k exp, as opposed to the 1 draft chest when normally playing the map. Decay would pick his loadout before starting the event for an advantage, and would often do the event on zs_construct_excess to give himself a bunch of exp and draft chests. Although I don't have proof of this, decay has admitted that he has done this around 3 times, and players have called him out on it before. When I was dev, I even disabled the event because Decay had kept doing it, but it has since then been re-enabled by Decay after I stepped down (what a surprise). Decay has also been doing silent updates through Ptero. Because he wasn't dev and didn't have gitlab access at the time, he was editing files directly into Ptero and told me/others not to tell anyone. He made incredibly unbalanced updates (ex. adding reforger and healingray into obj maps, buffing bosses to extreme lengths, etc). Even after he got gitlab access, he claimed he was tired of waiting for Kigen to merge and just added the changes to live through Ptero. He has been doing this for a while, making changes through Ptero then making a bunch of gitlab commits even after the changes were already on live, as to not look suspicious. That's why on gitlab, he made 20-30 commits less than a few seconds apart. His reasoning being "They can't demote me, because I am the only one pushing updates". Proof Links? https://imgur.com/a/589RzDq https://imgur.com/a/3Zz4jDA - Decay admitting to making changes through Ptero https://imgur.com/a/WSYhjMF - someone leaving the server after he found out decay was abusing, and even a mod (although he wasn't a mod at the time) acknowledging it happened Proof Added? Done
  3. the reason i stopped playing was because movement was severely nerfed/reset to default on the server a while ago (sv_maxspeed is set to 320? just why). part of the fun was bhopping around, trying out jumps or getting a good kill. now the server is filled with awp sweats that camp a roof and spawn kill. personally i can't play on the server for more than a few minutes because of how bland it is. there were also some servers that were actually good, but were deleted. office > everything else if the css division wants to increase pop, they should be actively adding things to the servers for players to stay on longer. the hg shop is either broken or disabled currently, you don't get vip for being in the top 20, and usually whenever i do join, most of the players are afk in spec, so its just fighting against bots. there is nothing to work towards, no reason to keep playing anymore.
  4. Happy birthday!

    1. Zeused


      thanks, turning 150 this year

  5. bhop server i own a bhop server on css and can help set it up as well^
  6. i think the idea sounds fun, but in reality it would probably be dead within the first week. the css division is dying and adding a server that requires multiple people to actively stay on for it to be fun realistically wouldn't work atm.
  7. you say its not faking ping, but in the original post you talk about how people far away from the server still get low ping. isn't showing the incorrect amount of ping in someone's browser literally the definition of faking ping? sorry if i came off as a bit aggressive, I am just trying to learn more about anycast and the ping issue, and it kind of grinds my gears since hg is possibly abusing this. if the ping was relative to the physical server, then there really wouldn't be a moral issue, but from my POV it seems like hg will be using anycast just for the low pings. here is a good read i found for anyone interested: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-5f_TlJEki_qJYvZvlZ37QdsDambYIpEgPOUMP2RK9A/edit gfl has been blacklisted by facepunch for ping spoofing before according to this thread https://gflclan.com/forums/topic/59681-anycast-expansion-plansapproaches/ hopefully i am just wrong about everything and hg will have normal ping from the physical server. not like i can really test it myself lol
  8. anycast just makes people find the server. if the server wasn't fun, people wouldnt play on it. the tf2 anycast server has been dead since day 1, and even some of the csgo servers have been getting lower population (granted this could be because summer is almost over lol). obviously anycast makes a huge difference, but hg should be more focused on improving the actual server rather than using methods to fake ping. it just gives hg a bad name in general I am positive a lot of players/leadership are not aware that anycast fakes ping. i remember thinking the low ping was an issue when anycast was used in tf2, and now i am kind of disappointed that it was intended. just because other communities fake ping doesn't make it justifiable. facepunch has taken down/blacklisted servers before for ping spoofing... even if valve and facepunch don't pay attention to community servers much anymore, hg still shouldn't be doing this
  9. i think rust was successful because of how well the rust division managed and moderated the server. the rust division probably wouldve done just fine, with or without anycast
  10. hg shouldnt be using anycast if it fakes ping to get higher on the server browser. idk much about anycast but it sounds a bit scummy imo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. myes


      timescale usage go off

    3. Kenji


      that one guy in boost jump days

    4. BeanBop


      when the new player has "bhop pro" in there name.

  12. so i am considering building a new computer. since i am not super knowledgeable about PC parts, i wanted to make sure i got the best parts possible. my price range is very flexible. basically as long as all the parts all together are at or below around $1500~ ish, then its not a problem. the main parts i am looking for are: cpu, gpu, memory, storage, and a new case (because i hate my current one). CPU - I plan on sticking to AMD, because my motherboard is a B550 AORUS PRO AC. since i do gaming and video editing, and just generally have 100 things open all the time, I am looking for a mix of both speed and high core count. since my current cpu is a ryzen 5 3600x, I was looking at the ryzen 9 5900x ($550). it seems like the fastest AMD cpu i can find, and has 12 cores which is double the 3600, so it seems like the perfect upgrade. I also plan on overclocking for certain games every now and then, so i may need suggestions for a decent cooler as well. GPU - currently have the 5600xt, looking to get a 3060Ti ($400). If i actually fucking find one, i want to make sure its a solid upgrade. Memory - I will be replacing my current ram sticks and putting them on a separate build for my brother, so i have been looking for some new sticks. i am looking for at least 16gb with ddr4-3600mhz, at hopefully around $150 or below. Storage - I use a hard drive with 1 tb that is pretty slow. mainly looking for an SSD with at least 1 tb under $200. don't know a bunch about storage speeds, so i need some experts to give me recommendations on this. Cases - not looking for anything fancy. easy cable management and good airflow are most important. anything under $150 is good. let me know if any of these prices seem unreasonable. like i said, i am very flexible with my prices. if there is a good item a bit above my price range, feel free to suggest it.