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About Scott

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  • Occupation
    Preeschool Gymnastics Coach
  • Interests
    Football and Video Games

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  1. Happy brithdya

  2. Happy Birthday

  3. Happy Birthday

  4. broncos for life my bro

  5. Sirius, thanks so much for replying. Papa John was able to help me and it was a problem regarding an outdated core. After the update, everything is working fine. Hope all is well. Scott
  6. Hey everyone, Scott here. If you are good with troubleshooting with website development, I NEED YOUR HELP! My friends and I built a site for my employer about a year ago and everything has been running fine. We built it using a website builder called Drupal (http://drupal.org) and they really liked it. Recently, they asked us to make some changes/additions to the site. As we were working on it, we were running into some errors. We updated the site's core, but things are still not working for us. We try to edit pages and nothing will save. We try to make new pages and put new information on the page, it will not update! More recently, when we go into edit mode, the whole browser's screen will turn white and we have to hit the browser's back button to try again (to no avail). We have no other options and we need to get this shit fixed. If you have ever built a website or coded before, please reply with suggestions, or we could chat in TS3 or on Steam. I am desperate. Thank you everyone, HG | Scott
  7. Happy Birthday

  8. Nite

    Happy birthday sir

  9. No!

    Happy Birthday old Friend

  10. HAL

    Happy Birthday!

  11. Steroids are drugs for losers and I hope anyone who uses them get cancer for being a cheating prick.

  12. Yes Reddevil, I still take steroids. So, I haven't been on in a while, just wanted to check out the forums and say hi. I've been busy working full time at my gymnastics gym, still touching little kids for money. Summer camps get busy, and I've been exhausted... I play waaayyyy too much league. Anyone wanna join? My name is "Dont Trip I Flip" Oh and I'm still a strong member of the TF2 division, somehow. LOVE YOU DIGITALSHOT
  13. Glad to hear you're gonna get in shape. #BuffStatus
  14. my summoner name is GG ZIGGY and yes enigma. there are lots of potato servers.