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About Tank////

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  1. You have an account on the forums? I thought you were a figment of my imagination that manifested into a random player on jb

  2. I agree with Iron Chef and nielsfalko here, the words mean two different things. Who has the final say, is it (1) jump, or if you say "to" are we agreeing that means the lava day is no long in affect? Bobby, in your case I would say refer to the bible: Using the word "to" invalidates the lava day, but I don't make the rules here. I just want clarification. Like Iron said, it seems common sense that you would not kill someone getting "to" something on the ground. Lava days: Giving a new order which makes ts to jump or go to floor voids the lava day. Aka cant tarp ts with any order that makes then go to floor and kill them cause its lava day."
  3. Only if it's (1) jump as blue said. So, you'd be right, but the order on big cage to knife arena archway is invalid. I still disagree, but if we're going to set precedence for the (1) jump rule..... well then it is what it is.
  4. @[member=blue ],[quote name=blue ' timestamp='1491171665' post='743078] getting on the archway is not getting to it. Getting ON == getting TO iff you can make it via 1 (ONE) jump. (IE, closest rails to VIP shingles, hurdles controls, under carriage of cell stairs, etc...) Thank you Blue, it looks like this is not a valid tarp and should be banned in this case. -Tank
  5. There is where I disagree with you Pongo. The words mean two very different things. Definition of on 1a —used as a function word to indicate position in contact with and supported by the top surface of.... the book is lying on the table Definition of to 1c — used as a function word to indicate contact or proximity.... applied polish to the tableput her hand to her heart -Tank
  6. Per the JB Bible, these are the rules for lava days. Lava days: Giving a new order which makes ts to jump or go to floor voids the lava day. Aka cant tarp ts with any order that makes then go to floor and kill them cause its lava day. Lava days are to be seen as a replacement of a designated floor, if a T is on the designated floor the T may be killed. If the T fails the jump resulting in touching the designated floor and the T successfully reaches another obstacle then the T may not be killed for touching the lava. Lets discuss, if you're on the top a big cage during a lava day and are told to "get to" something. IE, "Get to the closest archway leading to knife area" even though you can get to it without touching the ground, is it a freekill to kill someone for directly running "to" the archway on the ground? I think this needs clarified. Cheers, -Tank
  7. Congrats on mod reboobler!

    1. Tank////


      Thanks man! Appreciate it!

  8. grats on mod 2nd best rebeller on jailbreak :)

    1. Tank////


      lol 2nd ;) Thank You.

  9. hahahaha "chinese bootleg" I'm dying. that's great!
  10. Seems to be fixed now.
  11. Anyone else excited for the new biker DLC? Anyone still play?
  12. So much pre-checking/camping kitchen in the server today. If it's a rule enforce it, imo. Until then we should leave the discussion here.