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Tyler LaCivita

Friend of HG
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Orange County,CA
  • Occupation

Computer Specs

  • CASE
    Cool Master HAF
  • Motherboard
    ASUS M5A78L-M/USB3 AM3+ mATX
  • CPU
    AMD FX 4130
  • CPU Cooler
    Antec Kuhler H20 1250
  • RAM
    Corsair Vengeance Series 16GB DDR3-1600
  • Graphics Card(s)
    GeForce GTX 770 OC 2GB
  • Sound Card
    Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Extreme Audio SB0790
  • Power Supply
    Corsair CX Series CX750M
  • Operating System
    Windows 7 Ultimate
  • Headset
    Red Samurais
  • Mouse
    Razer Naga 2012
  • Keyboard
    Razer DeathStalker

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Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. Happy birthday, Wrec-Kage! :D

  2. Hey Yall! I need people to play league with! Add me - ClownyWreckage Much Love!
  3. Ingame name(with op.gg): ClownyWreckage https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=ClownyWreckage Rank/level: Unranked/LVL30 Roles you prefer to play: I'm Good at Any Role, But Pref ADC
  4. How do you think an Engine works? Gas or Diesel. (:
  5. I gotta turn myself into Jail, Jan 6th for 45 days. :( Don't Drink and Drive!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FoxHound


      Good luck...that sounds awful

    3. Tyler LaCivita

      Tyler LaCivita

      I'm gonna bring donuts. (;

    4. bert


      A dozen donuts = 30 days off so you're good

  6. Welcome Buddy! If you're into FPS's, We have an awesome CSGO community! and many others! Id love to play some games and talk with ya! Send me a request!
  7. Dude, That's My Car!


  8. Thanks Yall! I'm super stoked! A special thanks goes to Seraph and Foxhound! You guys are awesome!