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Syn last won the day on March 19 2019

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  1. Congrats on unban buddy <3

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. The first silence was him continually using racial slurs on the mic. The warning was to him pestering me for the unmute and the other one was nonten saying inappropriate things. The silence thing at the end was a mistake caused by me thinking that it was a toggle; I then fixed it.
  4. First off I'm sorry for the inconvenience, everything listed here is false I'm open to constructive criticism and will continue to be. I wasn't doing my best work but at the same time I was following basic procedures. Every excuse he has named for his actions of voice acting didn't cause me to mute him when it was going on. I muted him when he started eating his mic. Also; I never said a single racial slur to him in voice chat he eventually did himself and had his friend come on and attack me repeatedly that I was saying the racial slurs. I clearly warned him and avoided all drama at all costs. I'm open to communicate this with you imasonaz and will be so if you need me, let me know.
  5. The !bp command is currently not working on the server; something may be wrong with the html motd for that everything else motd related works. But !bp and !sbp aren't currently working it makes the tab grey with an error of "-105". Please try and fix this as soon as you can
  6. Congrats y'all hope the best!
  7. Congrats man, I'm so proud of you. Good luck man! You deserve this position and always have. My 6' 6 foot friend.
  8. Welcome to HellsGamers! Congrats on -hg- Recruit. I'm always here if you need someone to talk to and enjoy your stay.

  9. I like those effects too, user tho the brother hood of arms is overpriced in my opinion. But whatever suits you. K1ng those effects are clean ngl
  10. Nice, I agree though nebula is a little too overrated.
  11. Time Warp and Purple energy are stupid good Division, In my opinion and nebula, demolin orbiting planets is sick minimalism
  12. Congrats, on Division Staff you deserve it man, you've proven what true leadership is, you always put through your best effort on everything you conceded, did, and succeeded at. Congrats on this achievement and keep grinding man <3 :staff::dis-gon-b-gud: 

  13. BOSCH

    Congratulaytu0nzzz on yo promoti0n to Recruiter!!! ;)

    1. Syn


      Thanks brotha ;)