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Lynxx last won the day on May 18 2021

Lynxx had the most liked content!


About Lynxx

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Middle Of Nowhere, CO
  • Occupation
    leeching of parents

Computer Specs

  • CASE
    Barely held together
  • Motherboard
    Snapped in half
  • CPU
    Who needs this?
  • CPU Cooler
    I just blow on it like a cartridge
  • RAM
    Downloaded 4 gigs
  • Graphics Card(s)
    NVIDIA GeForce 470.
  • Sound Card
  • Power Supply
    Wall Outlet
    enough for my porn
  • Cooling
    I pour water in my PC
  • Operating System
    Windows 9
  • Display Monitor(s)
    A Dell and Samsung
  • Headset
    2 speakers duct taped to my head
  • Mouse
    Logitech G300 Series
  • Keyboard
  • Misc Other
    Dusty fan

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  • SteamID 3
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Lynxx's Achievements

Elite Member II

Elite Member II (6/10)



  1. Jc.

    Miss you bro

  2. It would be clear to you if you took an opportunity to listen to me within the discord, as, had you read, you would understand why I banned you. You were complaining about the crashing initially (rightfully so) so i explained it to you. However, you then proceeded to ignore me, and actually a lot of other staff to purposfully make the server look worse infront of new players/in the discord by constantly bitching and whining your ass off while me, sit, snowyamur and Feshy tried to explain the issue to you. I banned you with the reason that when you learn to listed you can be unbanned, and it seems like that won't be happening. Next time, take atleast 1 second to read what we are explaining before purposfuly being ignorant and just blaming the servers - as you put it - "Shitty performance". This also isnt the first time you have purposfully been a pain in our side, you constantly pick fights with us to get a rise, so, we punished you.
  3. A.I Generated content vibes
  4. Hello! Before we can complete this app, we need you to link your steam account to your forum account via top right - account settings. Thank you!
  5. I bought my school a nintendo switch before i graduated so that way the club i used to run can still exist without me needing to bring in mine, since i didn't want the club to just end. but even smaller things, like sharing your lunch with someone, or helping out the man who's fallen on hard times goes a long way.
  6. Welcome to HG friend

  7. Please link your steam account to your forum account Via Top right drop down menu -> Account Settings -> Steam
  8. cel.png.362f68344658bdf27d461c97bc3f0f2b.png First tweet by our new social media leader!

    1. Asian State Trooper

      Asian State Trooper

      Yes sir lol thank you

  9. Associate director? smh my head now you orange

    1. brgr.


      Thank you lynxx! I'm shaking my smh rn.