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About DJProdigy

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    Gamer n Dino Nerd

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  1. I have returned! sorry I haven't been on! I got accepted into a school so I can get education in pet care! I haven't been able to get on cus the internet here is bad. kinda got a laptop without teamspeak and such. 

  2. We could have a pool area, a disco area, a little bar, and a little cafe
  3. Congratzzz on Fulll-Member bro!!!

  4. Gratz on Member! :-)

  5. tf2 is a classy shooter game, it trys not to go for flashiness but rather just plain old simple cartoony fighting
  6. not really bad that we don't have spawn doors I mean you can jetpack fast out of the spawn like I do or combine does
  7. I don't actually have a fav class I just go random or any class that will help the team push or defend
  8. personally ill use any weapon as long as I know what I'm doing
  9. Congrats on TF2 Moderator!

  10. Congrats on TF2 Mod!!

  11. Gratz on Mod! :-)

  12. Congratzzzzz on MOD!!!