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    In CS:GO Jailbreak
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    Video Games, Girls, League, nerd stuff
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    Hey, im a 16 year old Asian. Be nice to me, i'll be nice to you. Simple as that.

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  1. Ever wonder what dogs think when you pick up their poo? "My master really likes poo" or "My masters a freak"

    1. Joey7


      maybe thats why the poop more because they think we like it then they do it in the house so we will like it even more!

  2. Instantnoodles13 Silver IV Play all the lanes but prefer NOT support Best champs are: Teemo, Yorick, J4, Vi, Diana, Fizz, Quinn, Ezreal, Leona, and Sona Win/Loss: 12/11
  3. Kassadin is definitely up there to what I consider an OP champ. He is a mobile snowballer which is insane. Even if he loses his own lane, he can just start roaming and helping other lanes. Moment he can catch a break and start to snowball, he will be intense to fight against without some hard CC. Gragas strangely enough is also what I consider an OP champ too. He offers so much for his team with intense burst and great initiation in team fights. Even laning against him is a pain because he deals massive damage and has sustain.
  4. http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/champion-reveal/velkoz-eye-void-revealed So, I've played a couple games with the new upcoming champion Vel Koz, and I can simply say I was not impressed. He is a new mid laner who entire comp is to quickly spam spells to proc his passive. His passive is somewhat like vaynes where if a enemy is hit by 3 Vel Koz spells within 7 seconds of each other, the stacks proc and they take true damage. He is capable of quickly spamming spells but the spells aren't instant as they have a rather long travel time. Some problems I found with him is he's extremely sluggish. His movement speed is pretty slow and his moves have a long travel time/delays. During laning phase, i noticed a high problem with poking. Most of his moves are either AoE or splash, so by attempting to poke the enemy champ with spells, I ended up pushing my lane and with no real escape moves besides flash, I found myself in dangerous scenarios. Team fights were a little bit better with good poke and cc mixed with his spells. His CD is pretty short so I was able to spam. His ult does massive damage but team dependent to make sure u can't get hit by some hard cc. In short: He's a team dependent mid laner who can deal massive damage if your allies can keep any aggro off you. Huge laner pusher with no escape moves besides CC. He's sluggish with bad movement speed and just feels slow. Not impressed. Mid to late game.
  5. I have several main champ for each lane Top- Teemo, Yorick Jungle- J4, Jax Mid- Diana, Fizz ADC- Ezreal, Quinn Support- Sona, Leona But my favorite champion of all time is probably Diana
  6. The booty is mine, it belongs to me, you can't take my booty!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kingpolo
    3. killerbaby


      Swiggty Swooty I'm coming for dat booty

    4. dumgum17


      Booty... Like pirate treasure in the old days? I want the booty too! :D

  7. For those wondering, i stepped down from Advisor because I have to focus on school. Remember while games are fun, you always need to focus on your future and set your priorities, which is what i'm doing. I'll still be here and play on HG servers and with HG people so don't worry about me leaving the the foreseeable future.

  8. Thanks for everything you did for us :D

  9. Thank you for your service, love you.

  10. From the looks of ur steam profile, you atmost 30 minutes of cs:go total. But even if you wanted to apply to CS:GO i would say no or atleast reapply in 2 months due to 1: history http://hellsgamers.c...AM_0:0:72393857, 2: http://cloud.dloaded...e4656a54d0d.png ur past names make you seem like a troll with racism/impersonation and 3: U were told to reapply in 2 months to gmod div