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Introducing New Cs:s Servers!!

DIAMELO By DIAMELO, in HeLLsGamers News, , 15 comments, 2315 views

Introducing some new servers for CS:S, hope you guys enjoy them!!




Thats right!! We got some brand new CS:S servers!!



We've been working on these for quite some time making sure that they were working fine and running smoothly.


So without further ado here are the new servers!


Deathmatch Rotation (US):

This server will be DM rotation but not the regular kind of rotation like in a casual server... Instead of rotating through a set of maps every half hour this server will be running a single map voted on by the people of this community for a month!!

Right now it is currently running fy_twotowers2009 (we will have a separate thread for voting)


Deathmatch Rotaion (EU):

This server will be running DM rotation similar to a casual server... Maps will change every 25 minutes, during this time it is just good old DM! It does run map votes (rtv/nominate), currently has a short list of maps but will be adding more soon and you guys can suggest any dm maps you'd like to see on it as well.



Casual Rotation (US):

Back to the casual CS:S style servers, no DM just fun bomb sites and hostages.


Casual Rotation (EU):

Same as the US server, regular old fashion casual CS:S!



Alright hope you guys enjoy these new servers, if you notice any issues in any of these be sure to let us know!!

Thank you for your support and happy gaming!


User Feedback

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This is awesome, I promise that CS:S servers will run smoothly, we have a lot of good people in our HG CS:S Div, thank you!

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i can add them just fine


i just added the dm (didn't let me before), i think i have the other one already if not, then is not adding it to favorites i guess

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Thanks for the hard work, Diamelo. Nice to see a Classic Rot that has DM. Maybe we could work on bringing Noob Training Field back in the future?

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