Halloween DARK RP Build Contest!!
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Halloween DARK RP Build Contest!!
Time Will Be As Follows:
Eastern: 5:00 pm
Pacific: 2:00 pm
Mountain: 3:00 pm
Central: 4:00 pm
UK Users: 10:00 pm
Let’s bring the crowd to Dark RP like CS:S does Jailbreak xD!!
-This event is only -hg-, [HG], HG |, [A], [M], [L], [DC], [TC], and yes [C] xD
-Server will be locked for participants only, PW will be given;
DO NOT SHARE PW to anyone not in HG.
Rule of thumb; This event is made to create festive bases not to ruin everyone’s fun,
Any nonsense (i.e. Prop Exploitation, RDM, Being a douche bag while this event is going on)
Admin’s will be watching you! (O.o)
The rules are simple for this event;
Your objective is make your base in a Halloween style and when you are satisfied with your setup call me over ( HG | Rizon [M] ) and I will evaluate it
I will be judging on three categories:
1-Creativity (1-10)
1st Place Wins 150,000 In-game money and receives 1 month FREE admin to one of our HG servers of their choice!
2nd Place Wins 125,000 In-game money!
3rd Place Wins 100,000 In-game money!
First, Second or Third you win!!!! So try your best to make the top three!
And most of all, have fun and GET THE BRAGGING RIGHTS!