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HeLLsGamers News

Tournament #6 05-29-2011

By Guest, in Events, , 0 comments, 1209 views
Don't miss out on HG's next CS:S Tournament Sunday the 29th.
RULES & INFO: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/46014-Tournament-6

[NEW] GMOD Stranded Survival

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1614 views
HeLLsGamers is proud to present its new permanant Stranded Survival server. That familiar gamemode you all know and love is back for good, so dust off your axe and pick.

Server IP:
<a href="http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/" target="_blank"><img src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/" border="0" width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a>

[NEW] HG DOD:S 24/7 Avalanch

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1308 views
[HG] DoD:S Map Rotation is now 24/7 Avalanche with a new IP:
<a href="https://hellsgamers.com/servers.php?do=view&id=193" target="_blank"><img src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/" border="0" width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a>
GameME Stats

[HG] GUNGAME v5.1 REVERSE Deathmatch

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1158 views
Gun Game!

Gun Game is back and is here to stay! This wonderful server was help set up by Warren, creator of GG 5.1, himself! This mod is tons of fun and provides a great way to better your CSS skills. Let's make this a popular server, so get to it and play some gun game!
Server IP:
<a href="https://hellsgamers.com/servers.php?do=view&id=193" target="_blank"><img src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/" border="0" width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a>
GameME Stats

[HG] 24/7 Abbottabad Deathmatch

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1390 views
Based on Osama's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Server IP:
<a href="https://hellsgamers.com/servers.php?do=view&id=193" target="_blank"><img src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/" border="0" width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a>
GameME Stats

My Birthday Admin Contest!!!

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 1 comment, 1220 views
My Birthday Admin Contest

Alright, so I've got some money left over and I thought I would have a
little fun and hold a contest for my birthday. So I will be giving away a 3 month admin prize, or a 1 month global admin prizes (winners choice).
How To Enter:
Submit any kind of video or picture wishing me a happy birthday, or make me a cool signature picture. I will be looking for originality, creativity, and possibly something funny.
I will be choosing the winner on my birthday, June 11th, at 12:00am EST . Good luck. Talk to me on steam or PM me if you need any help with anything.

Donate today to feed HG | Prius

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1216 views
Donations and admin purchases keep this site and all the servers running. Most everyone plays here for free. Buying admin or donating will keep things going. Thank you for your support!

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhnUgAaea4M&autoplay=1&loop=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="false" width="1" height="1"></embed>

Hellsgamers IM Team: Winning!

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1408 views
After a long hard fought season of the ESEA, Ours Hellsgamers Intermediate Team is now going to the Grand Finals!
It will be a hard fought match Vs Mild (Aka X-men), But if our Hellsgamers play like they it there last match vs N E R D S. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, by forcing overtime and winning decisively in those last few rounds.
Players like Wampage, Million and rdl have been showing us all season long why they are some of the best players around. Wampage scoring the most frags on his team with an amazing 383 frags! With Million and rdl both sneaking in behind him with 256 and 262 respectively .
These guys have played an Amazing season and playoffs, only being defeated three times in the regular season. Losing only too Mild, KillClutchRepeat, and Charity. As I mentioned above Hellsgamers only losing once in the playoffs unfortunately to mild. They have battled their way back into the Grand Finals from the Lower Bracket finals.
Being a shoutcaster for this team has been an incredible experience, being able to to witness all of their amazing plays, I remember in their playoff game against Visual Zone, Million and Ian throwing Pre-Nades at T Steps on Inferno managing to kill three of Visual Zone's players! In that same match Ian stepped up his game in a horrible 2v1 situation managing to clutch the last round of the half by killing both players and getting the defuse off!
Now as our boys make there way into the grand finals, You should be there to cheer them on!
Good Luck, Have Fun, And Kill them fast!
ESEA team page:
ESEA Playoff Bracket:
Hellsgamers ESEA Event:

Video Hosting Service

HeLLsGamers Introduces Counter Strike 1.6 Servers

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1352 views
HeLLsGamers Counter Strike 1.6



After seeing
THIS thread and having strong support for Counter Strike 1.6. HeLLsGamers has decided to put up a 1.6 server to try and expand our community. HeLLsGamers will start off with a Deathmatch server with bots and continue to grow based on the support and use this server receives. 
If this server gets good support we hope to bring the Premium Mod over to 1.6.
If you wish to play CLICK HERE

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