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HeLLsGamers News

November Raffle Winners!!!

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1216 views
Thanks to each and every one of you who support the community in one way or another.
Sorry no video for this month. The pizza guy drew our winners tonight.
The winners are:
HG | Never Trust A Hippie and
Congrats to the two winners!!!
PM me your addresses please. So we know where to send them.

Graphics Card Winner Announced

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1184 views
Everyone Congratulate Spedione on winning the NVIDIA GTX 275 graphics card!
Thank you to all that participated.
Reference: https://hellsgamers.com/content/177-Win-a-Brand-New-NVIDIA-GTX-275!?&page=44

New GameME Signatures & Rankings

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1299 views
New very cool and unique forum signatures were added to gameME Stats! There are various different styles available and rank and steam avatar images are now fully integrated.

Show off your rank

New CS:S Premium Benefits!

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1269 views
<img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/r5/premiumbenefits.png" />
By becoming a Premium member here at HeLLsGamers, you will receive some pretty cool benefits!
Premium Skins
<img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/je/tsupporter1.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/2o/tsupporter2.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/gn/jbtsupporter.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/0q/ctsupporter.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/eo/ctsupporter2.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/tl/jbadmin.png" height="217" /><img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/6n/jbco.png" height="217" />
Instant Commands
!ak !m4 !awp !smoke !$
Early Access to HGItems
HGItems is a work in progress that will let you be able to wear items in-game. Certain servers will be setup that will let you *find* some items and the items will have a certain type of power/special ability. We are currently letting YOU have exclusive access to the system.

Hats Currently Available
<img src="http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/2f/hats3.png" />
Equipment Currently Available
Tracer Rounds - Laser Sight - Semtex Grenades
So how do you get these features? Either by being in the Top 20 or supporting HeLLsGamers!
If you would like to become a VIP or Admin and receive these new features, you can sign up by following this page - https://www.hellsgamers.com/premium
If you're already premium, you may use the in-game command "!premium" to access these cool features!

Note: Some servers will have different options enabled/disabled. More and more of our servers will be updated as beta testing/bugs get worked out.
Released on:
Pistol DM
AWP Maps

Got mIRC? Then why haven't you joined our IRC channel?

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1289 views
We have brought our IRC channel back! Yes, the thing you use to find scrims for your old scrim team back in 07' when TheCGS was still around. We have brought it back and we're making it a whole lot better!
HG wants you to download and/or join our channels, because we will be doing giveaways just for the people in our IRC channels. That's right; you could receive prizes for just idling in our IRC channels. Also, some advantages are if you need people for a 10 man, you can just type in the IRC channel "Need 2 for 10 man, join the 10 man waiting room in TS!" and people will join instantly! It's that easy!
So what are you waiting for? Join our IRC channels!
P.S WE ARE ON Gamesurge. That is the network to connect to.
Don't have an IRC program? Well, it's easy, just follow this tutorial on how to get it. Trust me, it's easy to follow. Stryker's Guide to IRC for Noobs
GameSurge Web IRC: https://hellsgamers.com/?pageid=webirc

Call of Duty: Black Ops

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1407 views
Server Info:
Discussion Forum: https://hellsgamers.com/forums/151-Black-Ops
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/hgblackops

NEW Server! Free For All DM

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1324 views
Join our NEW 24/7 FFA DM Server! You can kill your teammate and get away with it! finally!
You can track all player gameME stats at: http://hellsgamers.gameme.com/css7

Goodbye Ventrilo, Hello TeamSpeak!

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1428 views
Goodbye Ventrilo, Hello TeamSpeak!
After many years of using Ventrilo, the time has come for a better solution to meet our and your gaming needs.
The pros of TeamSpeak3 are endless. File transfers, channel + personal chat rooms, better voice quality, user avatars, higher-end security, user-friendly interface and with so much more, we are able to continue to be on top of the game. Also, TS3 offers reduced packet sizes compared to Ventrilo and in return will improve your network connection while gaming and chatting!
Don't like the new look or having trouble accommodating to it? Just drag the bars to the right and downwards for a Ventrilo-like full user view. Miss the old click sound to know when your mic is live? Go to Settings -> Options -> Playback -> Own client plays mic clicks.
Please be patient as Council & Staff will set your account up as soon as we can in TS3.
TeamSpeak3 Client Download
Connect to HeLLsGamers TS3
TeamSpeak 3 Install Guide

Win a Brand New NVIDIA GTX 275!

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 1573 views
HG Premium - Promotion, open to the public, limited time offer.
Starts: 10/31/2010
Ends: 11/30/2010
Here is your chance to win a brand new NVIDIA GTX 275 Graphics Card.
If you haven’t already, register your free account at: https://hellsgamers.com/register
To enter, just post a reply this news article: https://hellsgamers.com/content/177-Win-a-Brand-New-NVIDIA-GTX-275!
For additional chances to win, refer your friends to register!
Your Referral Link is provided in your Settings: https://hellsgamers.com/usercp
Enjoy our many game servers? Signup for HG Premium to support the community!
https://hellsgamers.com/premium - Monthly Giveaways - VIP Access - and much more.
Special thanks to our partners: Softlayer, MaxFrag, gameME, Netcode Illumanati, and ESEA.
You may only register once.
You may not signup under a proxy.
You will be disqualified if you are suspect to registering fake and or multiple accounts.
HeLLsGamers will cover all shipping costs.
One winner will be chosen at random.
By replying to this article you hereby accept and agree to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS above.

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