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New Build With Evga Gtx 980

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I guess that I cannot even mention anything without you either belittling me or the objective proof that I am providing. It appears you're just tapping away on your keyboard without a care in the world.


At the end of the day, you simply don't know how computers work. It's as if computers are all based on numbers and you just want to ignore all of those numbers. Did you click any of the links I had provided?


It wasn't my original intention to even compare a Phenom ii and a 8350. I was providing something OP could use to better understand the situation he was facing. Either way, the Phenom ii will not bottleneck a 780 ti and a 8350 will not bottleneck a 980. Assuming either of those things would mean you're disregarding all evidence that I have provided and all the benchmarks people have done to prove you wrong.


I guess you fall into the same category of people that think painting their cars red will make them faster.


You're doing a disservice to OP and other forum members by misleading them.

Edited by theGerryC
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With a good cooler, an 8350 will not bottleneck a 980. Most of the people in this sub-forum make fantasy builds and truly know nothing about PC hardware.


Even at stock speeds, a 8350 can utilize not just one but two GTX 980s in SLI with barely any difference between it and an i7. Check the graph below. The specs for their bench PCs are here: http://www.tweaktown...1440/index.html




If an old Phenon ii processor with a decent cooler can ride on the back of a 780 Ti, then a 8350 can surely power one 980.

the AmD cpu is just fine bro, I build systems and work as a technical consultant. Fanboys and youtube doctors are not the ones to ask these questions. feel free to hit me up anytime for info.

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Phenom ii will not bottleneck a 780 ti and a 8350 will not bottleneck a 980


You are thick aren't you, I had a phenom II @ 3.6 ghz and it bottlenecked my 6850 crossfire i used to have in bf3, the 8350 "may bottleneck" depending on clock speed.

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