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Your Name


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Give an explanation of how or why you picked your gaming/gamer name :D This came up today on TS and found it quite interesting.


I originally used the name deadly and matt back when I played cod2 like 3 years ago. Deadly because it was random and matt because it's my RL name. I switched to jesus because I found it catchy and yes I am Catholic but not very devoted :P


Post your explanations gogogogo

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I was having a bucket of chicken when I decided to join HG and my previous names were from T.V. shows and stuff so i wanted to be original (Westheimer was first name from the leet world, John Sheperd was second from Stargate Atlantis, and I occasionally call myself Matt Smith or David Tennant from doctor who for fun)

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My game name used to be Night Angel from the Night Angel Trilogy books.


I changed it to Angel Descends because I'm like an angel from Supernatural who has descended from heaven to kill you all... or something along those lines :P

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I used to use many random names when I played alone. One day I used the name Homer, that day I created a clan with 2 other players in Lex's custom map server in 2005. Once tagged up, I began being recognized as that name and have stuck to it for that reason..

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Like 3 summers ago when mccain was running for president i needed a new xbox live account since my other one ran out of membership. (at the time creating a new account gave you 1 month gold membership) And this is what my friend and i came up with




Some of you who ACTUALLY know me know that I love bboying. I've done it ever since I was in 7th/8th grade. However, as some of you ALSO know about me, I'm more than a few pounds overweight. Because of this, I stopped bboying from Freshman to Junior year of high school. However, I lost weight Senior year and came back "from the grave" as Lazarus, the Biblical risen Phoenix. When I started to solidify an in-game name, it was "BBoy Lazarus" at first, but ended up becoming just "Lazarus" by the time I found HG. Jesus! being my homie is just coincidence lol.

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My name use to be Hamad Mubarak Salah Mohammad Saad Yousef Al Mutairi Al Sabah Al Ghanim Al Sumate


I picked Quarantine because it sounds cool but now I am sticking with Night Vision

I have lots lots lots lots of names maybe 100+ but someone told me to stick with one name because people forget who I am and get tons of friends on STEAM deleted cause of my names lol

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Anyone remember this game?





Anyways, back in '99 when SWAT 3 came out, I just picked Cal45 cause I thought it sounded cool (I was like 13 lol).

The rest is history! Played pretty much every game with this name since.

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