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CSS Jailbreak leading tips?


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only look if you want to see how to make ts rebel.

you sure you want to see this



sure sure?


on then

So i play t 24x7 so i d suggest


Take lead


Open cells


and then ask t to get on top of infirm then pass lead. ( so we can rebel )

Edited by RedDevil6193
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think of what you will do before you take lead


stay out of site of the enemies at a distance.


make them crouch to locations early on


act mean and call them names occasionally


if you piss them off they will just rebel more :(

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Get good to go home


For real though I wrote down about 10 different unique and hard orders to trap the terrorists in their stupidity. Next I practice I'm at work for about a month. Saying them out loud over and over again. Editing them whenever I f***** up. Then put them into practice in server. And change them as need be. I'm a nazi lead because of this

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How to lead 101

  • Be sure to give some form of orders at the very beginning of the round (incase of cell openers)
  • When ordering T's to a destination be sure to have them walk/crouch (minimizes the risk of escape and ct's get a chance to move)
  • If ordering T's into obstical, have them get to the fountain and clear the gun from JJK before ordering them into garage
  • When other CT's die in an area where T's may go at some point in the round, clear guns away from those areas
  • If Ct's are standing in the way of where the T's will be going, ask them to move and explain that's where the T's are going
  • When doing games don't waste alot of time (ex: opinion days, just have T's turn around and answer your question or whatever the opinion day is instead of having them go all the way to the cage sign)
  • Give clear understandable orders (I usually repeat my orders atleast twice)
  • Give not only T's orders but CT's aswell, if you notice someone run off into blue room say something like "Need a CT to go kill that rebeller that ran blue room" while you continue leading for the rest of the T's
  • If there's a rebeller in the stack of T's order T's to unstack along deagle cage, or "unstack one step face cells and freeze don't go past second cell"
  • and most pay attention to other leads orders and find more that work well

that's all i've got for now

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