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Ban Lavadays

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The good old lavadays from Railing closest to VIP shingles to VIP shingles or from Railing closest to Soulitary to souitary is one of the most popular games in JB and its is sort of one of my personal favorites, but I have came to the conclusion that these lavadays can cause huge problems. I have never seen one lavaday when someone is freekilled when a bomb goes off. This reminds me of trust days because it is a T causing another Ts death, and then this CT is tlisted because the T thought it would be funny for them let off a bomb and make the Ts go flying everywhere. I know this might disappoint many but I don't think Ts should cause freekills and Tlists.

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Its the in the rules that bombs are exceptions to this day, and that T's may not be killed if a bomb goes off. The CT may be punished cause he killed somebody moved by the bomb, therefore the CT's fault.


What you could do is remove bomb effects on T's. Obstacles has become *who can survive bomb* days rather than who is the best at jumping.

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Its the in the rules that bombs are exceptions to this day, and that T's may not be killed if a bomb goes off. The CT may be punished cause he killed somebody moved by the bomb, therefore the CT's fault.


What you could do is remove bomb effects on T's. Obstacles has become *who can survive bomb* days rather than who is the best at jumping.

Removing the bomb effect would be stupid, you go through so many rounds in jailbreak in one session, and you can't handle being blown off with a bunch of others T's? You'll get another chance, it's funny, it's humor, plus it's not that hard to survive the bomb either way.

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