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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/20 in all areas

  1. Just in case anyone from our dev team missed the thank you party that our server had on 5/18 to celebrate the massive server update which included the new reforger & rebirther. On behalf of the HGZS community, we thank all or you for the hard work that y’all put in everyday to make sure that the server is nothing less than fresh, balanced, fun & enjoyable With that being said, the only reason that I’m making this post is because I’ve seen numerous amounts of people complain, rage quit out of the game and even message me saying “This isn’t fun anymore” because they believe that the human team is now over powered. There is only a small fraction of our community that truly believes that the human team is now over powered so the topic didn’t catch my attention yet until some skilled Z-mainers started to agree with this. I listen to everyone in our community, from the veterans all the way to the new players, but I’ve recently had some fellow HG members, veterans and a retired DL that has agreed with this debate and they have spoken to me about it and they have assured me that they believe that the Z-Team is indeed useless until waves 5 and 6. The solution to this problem is to make waves 2, 3, & 4 a little more tough by making the regular zombie types stronger. We have to be careful not to make them too strong because we don’t want things to be too intense on those early waves tho. Keep in mind that our dev team is constantly working to balance things out. So at first glance some of these suggestions may appear “overpowered” to you but that doesn’t mean that they still can’t be implemented onto the server and balanced out so that we can enjoy it. Before we get into it tho, I just want everyone to know that I’m neutral on this topic. I have fun playing both Z-Team & H-Team but this isn’t about me. Our goal is to make the game fun & enjoyable for everyone, so these are the suggestions that I have come up with to help improve and balance our gaming experience as a whole. Name: The Ping System The Ping System is a form of in game callouts that highlights the item that has been pinged for better coordination since there has been increased complaints about a lack of team coordination. This is great for those who prefer to play with volume off, speak a different language, dont read chat or if the chat is moving to fast etc. Ping-able items include, boss & special zombies, dropped weapons & ammo, all inventory items, stray humans, zombie spawns & crates, loose props etc. Name: ‘Crossfire’ Glock 3 Blueprint: John Thicc Equips the gun with an auto switch that is fitted onto the back of the glock which then transforms it into a full auto mini-machine gun. Also equips the gun with a kratos barrel that makes landing headshots with it extremely critical for zombie Bloated Rebirther Name: Thrasher A Big intimidating zombie that shakes the screen nearby humans everytime it makes a charge or does it’s primary attack. Primary Attack is a claw Secondary Attack is a running charge which causes it to charge into anything that is in its path, dealing massive damage on impact. Charge attack doesn’t stop until it comes into contact with a resilient object or human. If a charge attack connects with a human, that human will be thrown for a certain distance then fall to the ground shortly after. Name: Kongol Axe Blueprint: Mongol Empire Fire rate increased by so much that you would think the attack was led by Ghengis Khan. Not to mention the newly added fire mod that enemies will sustain to remind them of the time of the Mongol Empire Name: ‘Bullet Storm’ SMG Blueprint: Fire Storm Stolen from the Lair of Lucifer, this SMG has an Increased fire rate and now shoots fire balls that incinerate their victim Name: Silk Road A Trading table that can be found near supply crates Survivors can place the item that they want to trade onto the trading table then they can choose from a list of acceptable trades that they would like to request from other survivors. The item will stay on the table until the original owner either picks it back up or until somebody else comes along to accept the trade request. After a successful trade the items or currency will automatically appear in the inventory of both players. If a player places an item on the trading table and dies before they make a successful trade, that item will be lost and the trade will be canceled. Multiple humans can make trades at the same time. Once a trade is posted all humans will receive a notice of the items posted and requested. Players can also goto the trading table to view all active trades at any time. All tradeable items include All Arsenal Crate Items for other Arsenal Crate Items, Fundamentals, Blueprints, Reforger Upgrades and Points Cards for Cards, Blueprints, Fundamentals and Points Reforger Upgrades for Arsenal Crate Items, Fundamentals, Blueprints and Points Blueprints, Fundamentals & Points can’t be offered they must only be requested Can be destroyed by zombies Name: ‘Bullseye’ Handgun Blueprint: Agent 57 This upgrade gives it the Dual Wield attachment. Now fires grenades instead of regular bullets at the cost of the individual magazine size decreased and a decreased firecap. Trait Name: Usain 4x increased movement speed Name: Protchet Blueprint: Yeti Already a monstrous piece of weaponry to behold, this weapon decided to take a trip to Antarctica to get itself enchanted and to train with the infamous Abdominal Snowman for the very task of fighting of a zombie apocalypse. Now able to unleash a blow that is so vicious that all zombies nearby the initial zombie who got disintegrated will catch chills. Increased range and impaling frostbites is just the beginning of what the Yeti can do. After each kill, the Yeti will become faster and faster until its enemies believe that they are walking right into The Great Blizzard of 1888 only to realize that they just walked into an Avalanche of death. Fast Zombie Rebirther Name: Creeper Able to climb on walls with its sharp claws & rest on them stationary. Primary attack does minuscule damage, but its secondary attack allows it to lunge at humans and if contact is made then that human will stumble to the ground for a brief moment. Item Name: Artifice Artifice is a holographic decoy Spawns a hologram decoy of your player model that runs in a straight line momentarily upon deployment until it disappears. Decoy can phase through props Name: ‘Eraser’ Tactical Pistol Path A: White Out Unlocks a forbidden Nato cartridge that does significant damage to zombies, ripping off their limps and performing great knockback on impact Path B: Vinyl Increases magazine capacity, adds Incendiary tips to all rounds in the magazine and increases the firerate to near uncontrollable speeds Blueprint: Graphite You’ve managed to enchant your pistol rounds into blaster bolts, with increased range this weapon now fires bursts of particle beam energy Name: Flesh Bomb Path B: No Witnesses Provides 9 unique flash bang actions within a single hand safe assembly. The device provides arrhythmic outputs of approximately 0.8 seconds apart. Blueprints: Last Hope A force push that humans can use to push all nearby zombies a short distance away, while weaker zombies will stumble to the ground on impact Special Boss Name: Bandit Bandit is a Zombie that teleports and has the ability to steal weapons and items from humans and The Silk Road. When grabbed by the Bandit, whatever weapon or item that human has in his hand will be snatched from them and they will lose that weapon forever. If the thief is killed before the wave ends, all humans will receive their weapons back and they will also receive a temporary arsenal discount. If the Bandit is killed before they have the chance to take any weapons or items then humans will receive resupplier and arsenal discount. All items can be taken from the trading table. If the Bandit takes a players card from the trading table then that card will now appear in the Bandit’s inventory and the human will lose it forever. Cards are the only items that are kept by the bandit Name: ‘Alyx’ Pistol Blueprints: Nano When a skeleton zombie is shot with this path, an electric chain reaction occurs that zaps all nearby skeleton zombies while dealing slight damage to each of them. Item Name: Spotlight Path B: Floodlight An upgraded LED light that is so intense, if a zombie looks at it for too long then they will gradually become blinded by it until they are out of sight. Blueprint: Paparazzi Near blinding light that has a strobe ability which mimics “No Witnesses” every full minute, briefly blinding all zombies that look at it Howler & Sufferer update After BattleCry (Secondary Attack), all humans in the proximity of the scream will be highlighted for all zombies Name: ‘Tosser’ smg Blueprint: NASA Increased fire rate and does knock back damage. While aiming down sights this weapon will emit a small forcefield like shield that can sustain a few hits from zombies before degrading completely, has a cool down Name: O K Blueprint: Leonidas While holding, player will experience Increased health, speed and attack range. Shields will also regen faster. Ghoul Varient Name: Hazmat Ghoul After death this zombie releases poison into the air that lingers around their corpse for a brief moment. Humans within the proximity of the poison gas will experience adverse reactions or worse, death if in critical condition. No gas will release if this zombie is killed with a melee weapon Name: ‘Akbar’ Assault Rifle Blueprints: Mother Russia Nobody thought ice bullets were possible, but after retrieving this ancient “frozen” weapon from Oymyakon, Russia (which is widely regarded as the coldest inhabited town on Earth) everything changed. After heating this weapon up in a crematorium in hopes of melting away the layer of ice, to no avail. Weapon testers insisted on testing the weapon anyways only to find out that it still works fine and their targets became frosted after their bullets had impacted them. After scientist dismantled this weapon to figure out the mystery behind it still being able to fire and freeze targets, it turns out that the bullets are made from carbon fiber, dry ice and coated with Polyethylene which reserves the freezing temperature of the bullets. Name: Arsenal Crate Path A: Pandora Arsenal Discount for all survivors and increased Crate HP. Bullsquid Variant Name: Electrophorus A relative of the Bullsquid, Electric eel and the Stingray this zombie electrifies metal props when an attack is landed leaving upon it. The prop will be electrified for a brief moment which harms any humans that come into contact with it or near it. Temporarily disables turrets & other electrical powered deployable. Secondary attack allows it to shoot out an electric bolt that has the same affect as the primary attack but this attack has a brief charge up and has a short cool down Name: ‘Zombie Drill’ Desert Eagle Blueprints: MOAG Not to be confused with the MOAB, although this gun does shoot out massive explosive rounds that annihilates it’s victims. The difference between the two is that the MOAG isn’t just a one and done explosion. The MOAG shows no mercy to it’s opponents by delivering a full blown bombardment. Constantly pounding the enemy reinforcements with death, MOAG has enough firepower to grant any unlucky survivors with everlasting PTSD Electro puss update Blinds all nearby enemies for a brief moment upon death Name: ‘Stalker’ Assault Rifle Blueprint: Little Friend The long lost gun of Tony Montana. This gun had been tarted up with a grenade launcher and has been upgraded with increased range, fire rate, fire power and a modern scope Name: ‘Dynamo’ Arc Zapper Path B: Electron Due to faulty circuit from an electrical engineer and with no electrician present to fix it, this has caused the Zapper to go haywire and continuously burst with sparks zapping all zombies and crows who come near it instantly. Blueprints: Quantum Entanglement Increased damage. When activated, creates a chain reaction of electrification. Starts by electrocuting the nearest enemy then traveling from their corpse to the nearest enemy in range, then travels to the next one and so on. If no zombie was near to catch the energy of the previous zombie who was electrocuted, their fallen corpse will stay energized until the next zombie comes into contact with them or until their body fades away... Devour Rebirther Name: Fervor Equipped with a Flamethrower that is attached to the arm and a stockpile of stun sticks that can stun multiple enemies within the radius, it’s obvious that this boss zombie has had enough of stray survivors running around. Name: ‘Schmeisser’ MP40 Blueprint: Wehrmacht Decoded and retrieved from the lost files of a lead german scientist and weapons engineer, this iteration appears to be a heavily modified and futuristic version of the Iconic MP40. With heavily increased fire rate and a modded magazine that can now harvest electrons for delivering an electrical blow to it’s victim. There’s no wonder the german scientist tried so hard to hide this master piece of german ingenuity from the public. Flesh Beast Variant Name: Arachnoid A mutated Spider that can create a thick web that can strategically blocks passages so that humans will be forced to destroy the nest to get through the passage. Upon death spider will release hostile baby spiders that will attack nearby humans until they fly away or die off Trait Name: Dosser Faster healing capabilities for medic zombies Name: Great Scythe Blueprint: Moses Increased knockback and Range Every 10th swing will fire a blast of incredibly strong compressed air in a straight line. Able to kill zombies in a single blow, sending them flying backwards or up. If not killed by the blast then they will be thrown backwards. Name: ‘Emergency’ Flare Gun Blueprint: Torch Upgrades to a Flamethrower Once hit, enemies will slowly burn and or die regardless of how many times the Torch hits. They will die much faster when its fire stream continuously hits them. A huge weakness of the Torch is its range. The fire stream can extend several meters, but it takes time to reach full length. Zombies in close proximity can be hit almost immediately, but it may take a second or two to hit enemies further away. If the player can predict where an enemy is approaching, it may be beneficial to start firing early so that the stream is at full length when engaged. Skeletal Walker Rebirther Name: Punisher Proficient in hand to hand combat, with mastery in mma, kung fu, Jujitsu, Muay Thai, Eskrima, Bacom, and Krav Maga. This zombie has developed a near impenetrable defense by mastering the art of reflex which allows it to evade most human melee attacks and even deflect bullets if used correctly, possess the ability to take on multiple humans in close quarter combat all at once Name: ‘Evo’ Submachine Gun Blueprint: Malevolent Upgraded for increased fire rate a 50 round drum, this gun now shoots Laser Particles so fast that it appears to shred everything in it’s path. Burster Variant Name: Padme A Pregnant zombie Upon death Padme will give birth to a infant zombie which you will then immediately assume control over as a way to avenge the fallen mother Name: ‘Stormforce’ Sniper Rifle Blueprint: The Red Death Faster reload speed along with all of the rounds being replaced with explosives and a Infrared Heat Scope that’s mounted on top of the rifle Wraith Rebirther Name: Romero A very slow zombie, the more this zombie takes damage, the more stronger & faster it moves & attacks Name: ‘Rejuvenator’ Healing Ray Path B: Practitioner Heals 2 survivors at once, Faster cool down rate Blueprint: Orbit Allows you to heal 4 survivors simultaneously. Upgraded Ventilation for overheating and better cooling fans for faster cool downs Secondary Attack allows you heal all survivors in the radius to full HP, remove all buffs, and give everyone in the radius a boost. Name: Blast Turret Blueprint: Artillery Adds an extra shotgun to the turret stand. Increases range, becomes Indestructible, increases ammo cap and now fires cannons Name: Resupply Blueprints: Logistics Faster Regen for all survivors & stores more excess ammo Name: World Breaker Blueprint: Earth Quake Everytime this is swung, all nearby enemies will experience an Earth Quake like effect, causing their screen to shake while you reign down meteoric strikes upon those who happen to be unlucky enough to be in your path. Name: SLAM Tripmine Path A: Glacial This path transforms it into an ice trap. Once placed the trap emits a blue laser to let everyone know that it is active. Once a zombie trips that blue laser the trap will explode & slow all zombies within the blast radius for a brief period. Path B: Quasar This path transforms it into a fire trap Once placed, the trap emits a red laser to let everyone know that it is active. Once a zombie trips that red laser the trap will explode & ignite all nearby zombies within the blast radius. Name: Nanite Cloud Bomb Blueprints: Ultimatum Instantly regain full HP to all props and deployables in the radius and does damage to the attacker if they attack any props or deployables while this is active The reason I didn’t do all Reforger and Rebirther upgrades is because our dev team is constantly coming up with new upgrades that we won’t know a out until the official update. So as always, thank you all for being apart of our community and a special thanks to all of our Gold and VIP supporters because none of this would be possible without y’all.
    4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053072957/screenshots/ My ghoul was triple c thiccc
    1 point
  5. Congrats on your promo Raging!
    1 point
  6. Will you be ready for the showdown? Host(s): HG | EddieCam [D] [CE] Event Manager: HG | EddieCam [D] [CE] When: Date: Sunday, June 7th, 2020 Times: 6:30 PM (PST) | 7:30 PM (MST) | 8:30 PM (CST) | 9:30 PM (EST) Game Server: Be in our TS event channel before the event starts! TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com How to play: Bomb/Defuse Who can play: Everyone! Event rules: Have to stay the entire duration of the event in order to receive prizes and or badge. Prizes are restricted to HG Recruit+ General HG rules: NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful. NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racial terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes: The winning team will be placed in a raffle and will receive a set of G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 3200 The losing Team will be placed in a raffle and will receive a Deepcool MATREXX 55 V3 ADD-RGB WH White ABS / SPCC / Tempered Glass ATX Mid Tower Computer Case. All participants who attend the entire event will also receive a $10 steam card Badge: View full article
    1 point
  7. Congrats & welcome to HGCE!!!
    1 point
  8. Congrats! Welcome to the events team. I look forward to working with you!
    1 point
  9. Anyone here play OSRS Nowadays? I know there used to be a few players back in the day but I'm not sure if there's anyone active that plays hmu in game if you do - Kekamine
    1 point
  10. I'm going to ask for jailbreak back, and potentially by gold again for zombies mainly.
    1 point
  11. We all miss the good old days of TTT
    1 point
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