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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/20 in all areas

  1. Hello :) My name is Vsco ethan Bradberry, whats your name?
    1 point
  2. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike Global Offensive In-Game Name Duck. Location New Zealand How old are you? 25 Which games (servers) do you play on? GFL/HellsGamers Jailbreak How long have you been playing on our servers? 1 Month What is your Steam ID? (This is NOT your Steam name!) STEAM_0:0:63564870 Why do you want to join HG? I'm really enjoying the Jailbreak server, used to play the gmod version back in 2013-2015, playing this brings me back to the good old days. Note, I won't be going for staff, I ain't joining for any power, I just wanna vibe All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing on our servers. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Do you have any current VAC bans? No Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Any other information you want to include? I'm primarily GFL and am a Server Manager for them. I'll probably only play on the joint server as it's really enjoyable.
    1 point
  3. Hello. I'm Snowy. Like Value, I'm also around on our community's ZS server a lot.
    1 point
  4. Congrats dude, I would've gave you a plus one but I didn't know that you had an app up.
    1 point
  5. Hey! I am ValueSensei, I am personally on our ZS server the most but may venture to check out jailbreak sometime!
    1 point
  6. Oh here's the one gif I wanted to make and I accidentally found my clip @EddieCam
    1 point
  7. until
    HG Elections - Voting Period for HG Members+ Link to the member poll Link to staff poll
    1 point
  8. I played 500 hours of KSP, so you don't have to. Prologue Hi, welcome to a neat little Kerbal Space Program guide by me, your resident idiot @Miles. Today, we are going to walk through getting to orbit. No mods baby! Sit back and enjoy the ride, because rest assured your kerbals won't! Starting Off (WITH A BANG) So you gonna want to start a sandbox game, because you are a pleb and you aren't ready for the REAL game-modes yet. Click this building and start makin' shit. You are probably scared of all these fucking parts and shit but DON'T WORRY little baby, I am here to be your spirit guide through the KSP traverse. To start, we will learn you something about flying and shit. Put this bitch with this shit and then add one of THESE babies. But that won't work! IDIOT! This will happen. You gotta add one of THESE babies. Good job, you made a rocket that looks like a butt-plug. I am so proud of you. Now when you launch your rocket you will go brrrr and then you gotta press the stage button to not DIE like an IDIOT. Oh right, I forgot to mention to check yo staging! The higher the number, the sooner the stage will activate. So, of course we want the rocket to go first, THEN the parachute. If all goes well, then CONGRATULATIONS. You have launched and landed a spacecraft without killing anyone! Now it gets harder... The Basics of Orbit (and of RUD) Now that you have proven yourself to be slightly competent, we can move on to actual space flight! You are going to want to build a larger rocket, so lets just throw a bunch of shit together real quick. FIRST OFF: These bitches are called decouplers. You throw these mfs on when you need to disconnect useless shit from your rocket, like empty fuel tanks and spent stages. We are gonna use those to build us a space ship baby! Good enough I think. Make sure your staging is all good. The stuff that should come out last should be first and the first stuff should be last, capisce? Something like this. Now we gonna launch. You are definitely going to make some mistakes, so it is about time I introduce you to the king of the business. R U D Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly. This is the terminology we use when something doesn't quite go right. This will likely happen to you a lot. You may go too fast and hit the atmosphere too hard. You may stage too early and your lower stage will collide with your upper stage. You may be too heavy, and you parachute can't slow you down enough so you crash into the ground. Your craft might be too heavy from the get-go and collapse under it's own weight on the launch pad. It's okay, it was just RUD. It happens to the best of us, and sometimes it is part of the fun! Now, I'm going to introduce you to my good friend Mr. Navball. He has these neat little markers on him! I'll first just introduce you to prograde. Prograde indicates the direction the craft is heading. When you launch your rocket (brrrr), you are going to want to initially just head straight upwards at full throttle. Eventually, when you have around 250-400 speed relative to surface, click that speed text. It should transfer you to ORBIT MODE. Now you should slowly inch your heading towards the prograde marker. (Your orbit velocity is different from your surface velocity because of the rotation of the planet.) Make sure you watch your apoapsis on the map screen (press M) . Kerbin's atmosphere ends at 70,000 meters. Once your apoapsis is above 70,000 meters, you can cut throttle. Now you wait for your craft to drift towards your apoapsis. Also, if your lower tank is empty, stage and ditch it! Falling So Fast You Miss the Planet and Other Forms of Circular Logic Now we get to the fun part! You are in space! But not for long, unless you do something about the fact that you are plummeting back down to the planet at a very very fast speed. Once you make it to your apoapsis, aim your craft prograde and fire the engines! Watch the map screen and when your orbit line becomes a full circle and your periapsis is out of the atmosphere, you can cut your engines! Now you are in SPACE! And you aren't falling to your death, but instead travelling to nowhere. Enjoy it. If you want to return home point retrograde and fire them engines. Watch out for the atmosphere though. One More Final Thanks for reading, space warrior. If you made it to orbit, you are probably competent enough to make it to the Mun. Who knows, you might even be able to go to a different planet some day. Maybe eventually you will know what this does, or maybe even this. Perhaps you might acquire the knowledge necessary to use these, or these. Your brain may even expand large enough so that you play science/career mode, in which case you will want to use these. I am not patient enough to teach you to do or use any of those things. This guide is also probably the worst way to learn this game so god help you if you read all of this. Everything mentioned in this guide is only a fraction of what this game has to offer, if you haven't tried KSP before I urge you to do so. If you have tried KSP before and gave up on learning, I implore you to give it another go. https://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/Kerbal_Space_Program/ BUY IT! https://store.steampowered.com/app/954850/Kerbal_Space_Program_2/ KEEP AN EYE ON THE SEQUEL! P.S. failure is part of the fun!
    1 point
  9. So here's my battle station - Don't mind the messy desk, I've been too busy working to fix things up. Here's the PC Part Picker - https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bwDrZf Work computer on right side, running burp suite for a pentest, Gaming PC on the left. Full RGB cause of course. Better view of my gaming rig, with THC Vape on the bottom left by the microphone. Top middle left is a kitty named Stripey. And here we have the RGB in all its glory. Long term plan is to replace the cooler one day.
    1 point
  10. There is a PC and a server box hidden behind the 50". The tower on the floor is junk i like to collect. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/2d8hCL @imasonaz I had to clean up too lol!
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Don't mind me, passing through
    1 point
  13. Bruh, of course my laptop breaks down right afer I join HG
    0 points
  14. 0 points
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