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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/20 in all areas

  1. Thank you @Destiny Your Enemy @MoreEcchi for your donations to my https://www.gofundme.com/f/new-pc-for-college-and-gaming it means alot that you both donated. <3
    3 points
  2. Always maintain safe social distancing, even if it is for a hug Lonely hugs.mp4
    3 points
  3. HeLLsGamers vs HeLLBots Event Summary The bots have invaded our CS:S Division! Join HeLLsGamers in driving them back to whence they came! General Event Info Event Calendar: Event Host(s): Snowyamur Event Manager: Snowyamur Leadership Present: EddieCam hammNswiss McLovin Snowyamur Clan Members Present: ne0g33k Miles K1nG Kelton Past DragonSlayer Eton145 bert Friends of HG Present: N/A Number of Attendees: 12 Event Feedback Friends of HG Feedback: N/A Clan Members Feedback: Past: "css is broke" Miles: "Fun event! Should have been more strict about intentional teamkilling... Thanks for hosting." Leadership Feedback: EddieCam: "Loved the event and I think the server is going to perform well for CS:S." McLovin: "Great event! I love playing on other divisions servers its very refreshing!" Prizes & More Prizes: Three prizes were handed out to the top 3 players of the event with the highest scores. They are as follows: 1st Place: Miles | Gold account upgrade 2nd Place: Past | VIP account upgrade (declined; passed on to Eton145) 3rd Place: DragonSlayer | 10,000 HG Bux Videos/Screenshots: Additional Info: The event went pretty well. ne0's server worked remarkably well, and I can say that it he did a great job on creating the server to work as he intended. There was one major problem of teamkilling during the event, and that was because the server had Friendly Fire enabled, so people on the same team could kill each other. As Miles pointed out, I wasn't very strict when it came to the teamkilling issue, and that was because even while I was aware of it, I thought that it would stop, but someone during the event continued to intentionally teamkill people, which definitely ruined the event for some of the participants. It is my responsibility as the host to ensure that events go well and people enjoy themselves during these community events, and I apologize for anyone who had a really bad time because of the teamkilling. I thought leaving Friendly Fire on would make the event a little bit more fun in instances where participants accidentally blew each other up with grenades, but that was not the case, and I will be more strict from now on when it comes to misconduct occurring from event participants.
    3 points
  4. @Silly Thank you so very much for the donation it means alot to me. I really am grateful. Thank you <3
    3 points
  5. @EddieCam Words cannot describe how I am feeling right now as I type this. You broke me mate. Like i am crying on the toilet rn because of what you have done. Thank you so much for your donation <3 its going to help me so much.
    2 points
  6. @Fortis Thank you so much for your donation. I know you said you just payed rent and you doing this means a whole lot. <3
    2 points
  7. As the head of a notorious criminal organization within this prison, I am willing to work together with the guards to help keep these dirty union workers under control.
    2 points
  8. https://www.gofundme.com/f/new-pc-for-college-and-gaming Had to make one. Last 3 jobs called me and told me either they dont have any positions open, they wont have anything open until winter and they arent hiring. Need one soon so here i am.
    2 points
  9. All parts received except motherboard, which is preordered for release early September.
    2 points
  10. not sure when you came back and got DL but grats
    2 points
  11. This is a formal notice to all guards. The T union demands rep. If you do not allow us to get rep, our designated leader will supply a NOW order to order all members of our union to rebel. No CT can handle this if we lock arms together and accept that some of us will die for the greater good. This will be a permanent feature of JB unless we get rep/coin everyday. Delaying for temptation is now banned. Thanks!
    1 point
  12. Thank you so much for you donation @Icon. Your support helps me alot <3
    1 point
  13. Why not just take over the CT team with the union members and force everyone to have rep days? :^)
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Thank you @darkkran for you donation to my gofundme (he sent on paypay)! Thank you alot!
    1 point
  16. NOTICE To whom it may concern of the Prisoner Union, As a representative of the HellsGamers Federal Penitentiary, we can't legally offer drugs to the prisoners that are housed here. Laws here do not allow drugs of any sort to be used, collected, or sold/traded. It is requested that you cease from these activities immediately or face lockdown and shakedowns until we are certain that we come to an understanding that we are pleased with. Those of you that struggle drug addiction can seek counseling through your current union leader "Bobbythed", if needed he can direct you to a professional within the medical unit of HellsGamers Federal Penitentiary. With this said I, Darkkran, am not in support of temptation days for enjoy of guards, and the abuse of prisoners. It is a sick and twisted way to kill them for their problems with addiction. If guards are reading this, if you are found out to be doing these days. You risk your spot on the force and could face prison time. Thank you, Darkkran Lead for HellsGamers Federal Penitentiary
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Yo should i start a gofund me to help me buy a new pc since my gaming laptop is shi. Lmao
    1 point
  19. Abuse Report Abuser Name Quad Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID STEAM_0:1:100058902 Where did this occur? CS:GO What server? Jailbreak How long ago did this take place? 30 mins ago Give us a brief description of the incident. I'm playing jailbreak minding my own business and I'm a guard and a rebeler attacks me so I shoot him and the bullet kills the rebeler but also freeshots the t's along deagle cage so knowing my mistake I slayed myself and apologized to the t's. Then i get a gang message saying " mate you know if quad was online youd get tlisted for a day. " and I laugh and respond IN GANG CHAT " yea he abuses hehe " And then he tells me to stfu on public chat so I listen and stop stating my opinon then he gag's me for 2 rounds AFTER 40 seconds of me stopping and not saying anything disrespectful to him or about him. Then I ask him to tell me why i was gagged and then he doesnt answer. I repeat myself the next round no answer. then i tell him to add me 5 rounds after and he does and we have a steam conversation which proves that he was in the wrong or had no info why i was gagged. he was completely clueless and giving respones like " i forgot what u did" and when I told him what i did he said " yea u did something else tho" and i tell him what and he says " ill check" and comes back empty handed with nothing. full steam convo bellow. Proof Links? Steam chats http://imgur.com/a/SBOc1
    1 point
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