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  1. Lucas15


    Friend of HG

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  2. Blindy


    Friend of HG

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  3. Benz


    Executive Council

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/21 in all areas

  1. Well we are not doing that because our rust server is doing extremely well but we are adding two new members to our CS:S Divisional Staff Leadership Team! Be sure to spam their profile with lots of love. Blindy [CE][S] Lucas15 [CE][S]
    4 points
  2. Hello, The name is SkylineGTR. I came here because I saw Blindy and Lucas15 were apart of this community and I liked tormenting (with love) Blindy back in the day. Anyways, I am still on the fence of joining, but I thought I'd make an introduction just in case I change my mind and join. Cheers!
    2 points
  3. Yo man that looks sick! Glad you got the hookup
    2 points
  4. Sheeeeeeeesh I’m just out here tryna get my brackets and y’all out here being made men! Congrats boys, it’s well deserved by both of you!
    2 points
  5. Lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    2 points
  6. We would love to see you on the servers. Thank you everyone and congratulations to you as well Lucas
    2 points
  7. Thanks guys, and congrats to Blindy!
    2 points
  8. Ladies and Gentleman, I am pleased to announce that my HeLLsGamers PC arrived today! I am so stoked to get to playing on this thing and I'm so grateful for this community! I want to thank @Homer, @Asian State Trooper, @EddieCam, @NinjaScopes , and @colinthe5 for putting this prize together this past December and to all the leadership and staff that make this community so great! Additionally, I want to also thank Eddie for throwing in the awesome Corsair mousepad with the PC for me being patient with it's arrival. This community has been so awesome in the years I've played with you and the few months I've actually been a member of it. I look forward to many more years here and hopefully in the near future getting those coveted brackets around my tag! Much Love, Chris aka DAPPERxDUCK
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. It's a great night for some jb! Let's gooooooooo
    1 point
  12. Looks hype. Lets goooooooooooo
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Congrats guys! Super hype to see what CSS plans to do with 2 great additions!
    1 point
  16. Well deserved. Keep on making css great again boys ! Do a former mod proud !
    1 point
  17. I know I was first pm your activity page, but I want to just say.... HELLL YEAHHH!!! CONGRATZ BOYZ NOW WE GOT THIS PARTY ROCKIN!!!!!
    1 point
  18. Hello everyone, I'm new here and would be delighted to become a member of your community.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Welcome to the community man! Glad to reconnect and catch up with you again.
    1 point
  21. one of these days ill pick it up, ive been interested in this game for a minute!
    1 point
  22. 1 point
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  25. 1 point
  26. Took me reenlisting in the Army for 5 years to get a signing bonus...but damn if it wasn't worth it. #207 out of only 400 that were made to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the STG77 that would come to be known as the Steyr AUG. This special edition uses the original STG77 structure (to include a grenade launcher setting for the gas tube) but utilizes the advances made on the current AUG A3 model's inner workings. It's a blast to shoot and being the Counter Strike nerd I've always been, I had to have it when I saw it back in 2016. First gun I purchased was actually a Glock 17 (also because of my inner CS nerd!).
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Usage for sm_coloredname Creating the code: -Use https://htmlcolorcodes.com/ to retrieve HTML Color Codes of your choice. You can go there and manually select any color you wish at a precise tuning. -Always use { } to hold the characters for the code. Example. - {5E7B3A} (If the server is running SM 1.10 include the # before the numbers but inside the brackets) -Always place the code in front of the letters to the right you wish to be that color. Example. - {5E7B3A}Name -To make multiple colors, just add more codes in front of the colors to the right of it. Example. - {689233}Na{5E7B3A}me This method can be used to create an entire name with colors. View the spoiler tab below to view all options for color names. Creating a Matching Tag Note: Creating a tag that impersonates our admins is strictly against the rules (i.e. [Admin]) Use the color code {green} to have the same color as the [ ] on your [VIP] tag. Same goes for all levels of Admin. Example. - {green}[HG] = [HG] Use ^3 to make certain characters your team color. Example. - {green}[^3HG{green}] = [HG] / [HG] For advanced users, you can use the codes beneath for simplified codes. Note that some do not work. Colors ^0 - Default ^1 - Default ^2 - White ^3 - Team color ^4 - Green ^5 - Olive green ^6 - Item color (usually yellow, black if the client hasn't seen an item found or crafted yet)[TF2] (this does not work well / is disabled) ^7 - Default ^8 - Team ^9 - Green Remember: The longer the name, the fewer codes you will be able to use. -All names under 12 characters can have individual codes (for more detail). Example. - sm_coloredname {FF0000}[{FF4000}H{FF8000}G{FFBF00}] {FFFF00}A{BFFF00}d{80FF00}m{40FF00}i{00FF00}r{00FF40}a{00FF80}l = [HG] Admiral {}[{}H{}G{}] {}A{}d{}m{}i{}r{}a{}l -For longer names, less codes will have to be used for more overall spacing between codes (To not glitch out and say “LOL MY NAMES TOO LONG”). Example. - {871212}Im{A41414}pe{B42020}ri{C21818}al {D81C1C}Kni{FF1111}ght = Imperial Knight {}Im{}pe{}ri{}al {}Kni{}ght -Once you have your colored name prepared, make sure to have "sm_coloredname" in front of the code when entering it in the developer console. Take Note: Once you have a finalized version of the code, you will want to save it in a text file or Google Doc to not lose it. However, if you have lost it you can type /coloredname_list in chat to get a copy of your finalized colored name. Troubleshooting: If your name says “LOL MY NAME IS TO LONG” #1. Check-in /items that your colored name is enabled. Disable it and re-enable it before re-entering the name into the console. #2. Check to see if your name has too many codes for the number of letters per code. Too many codes in a longer name will make this happen. Remove a few codes and try it again. UPDATE: If none of the troubleshooting steps resolve your issue, you might have to check the version of SourceMod the server is running. SM 1.6 - 1.9 use the HTML color codes as seen above. However, SM 1.10 (example of console output) requires you to have # in front of all the codes. Example. - sm_coloredname {#FF0000}[{#FF4000}H{#FF8000}G{#FFBF00}] {#FFFF00}A{#BFFF00}d{#80FF00}m{#40FF00}i{#00FF00}r{#00FF40}a{#00FF80}l = [HG] Admiral For any questions/concerns on this topic, contact Admiral MacK. More information can be found HERE . Created by Admiral MacK 2018.
    1 point
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