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Papa John

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Papa John last won the day on March 13 2021

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About Papa John

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    Pizza Land

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  1. Congrats on [HG]! :) 

  2. If you're having issues with inventory you can use the following command in the console to sync your inventory with the server and resolve the issue: perp_sync_items You will be able to use this command once every 5 minutes. How to enable console Go to the "Options" on your game menu and select the "Keyboard" tab Select "Advanced..." You check the "Enable Developer Console (~)" option and select "Ok" Select "Apply" on your "Options" menu. You will then be able to open the console menu in-game by pressing the tilde (~) key on your keyboard. For a visual guide, you can see this Steam community guide.
  3. Overall Status We are in active development with this leveling system and it will not be released in the near future as we work to flesh out all aspects of the system. Test Group Applications: [CLOSED] We thank you for your interest in being apart of the test group for the leveling system, however, we are not accepting additional players at this time. We hope to open testing up to additional players as the addon is developed further and will announce in-game and on this thread when applications become open again. Description The leveling system is a work in progress addon currently in user testing on the live server focused on long-term experience point earnings granting perks at various levels. This is not intended to replace or supplement the existing card system but instead, provide incentives or goals to players who play on the server frequently. As it is a work in progress we have limited its deployment on the lives server to a specific group of volunteers and there will undoubtedly be changes as development continues on the addon. You will not be able to view or access the addon unless you are apart of this test group. Testing Disclaimer For existing and prospective testers understand that any experience earned during the testing period will be reset upon the leveling system being deployed generally to the live server. Additionally, during testing your experience and/or level may be altered or reset at any time depending on situations arising during the course of testing. All perks and their associated levels in the system are subject to change at any time, along with the amount of experience required to reach a specific level. Should you be given Chest or ZS points in error due to a perk in the system we may, depending on the amount, remove those points from your account, however, we will attempt to be as conservative as possible in that deduction. Finally, we may, from time to time and potentially midway through a match, disable the leveling system for an indefinite amount of time to perform maintenance on the addon. This does not mean that you have lost your place in the testing group and you will be able to use the addon again as soon as it is re-enabled. Feedback If you would like to leave feedback regarding the system we highly encourage you to post any questions, comments, concerns, or bugs in this thread. If you're a member of the testing group you can additionally leave feedback in the dedicated private discord channel "#leveling-system-feedback" in the Zombie Survival discord. If you're unable to see this discord channel but are able to see the leveling system in-game, please direct message me (PapaJohn) in discord to get yourself added. User Interface The most obvious part of the addon is the HUD displayed in the top-center of the screen displaying your current level, the amount of experience you have currently earned for this level, and the total amount of experience you need to reach the next level. Additionally, there is a progress bar underneath to show the percent of experience you've earned towards leveling up. The main perk menu can be found by pressing the "F6" key on your keyboard and will be used to list all perks, their associated level, and a description of what they do. Each perk level will be red when it is inactive and green when it is active. Any perk with a description stating it is a "one-time" event means that you will only get the perk reward when you level up once, while everything else is a passive perk that is typically applied on spawn. Finally, the bar on the left side of the window is a larger version of the progress bar displayed on the HUD listed above.
  4. Welcome back to HeLLsGamers! Hopefully you will enjoy yourself!!!!

  5. Congrats! Welcome Back!

  6. Welcome back to the dev team! :-)

  7. #BringBackPERP

  8. Welcome back man!

  9. Whalecum back old friend! Congrats!

  10. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Garry's Mod In-Game Name Papa John Location Orlando, Florida How old are you? 26 Which games (servers) do you play on? Garry's Mod How long have you been playing on our servers? Way too long What is your Steam ID / GUID? (This is NOT your Steam name!) STEAM_0:0:25520119 Why do you want to join HG? Feeling nostalgic and want to rejoin. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing on our servers. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Do you have any current VAC bans? No Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Any other information you want to include?
  11. @Snowyamur Unless something has changed recently you need to understand we don't actually own these servers, we rent them from cloud hosting providers. While this varied based on the server, based on what I can recall from my time here we were using the company Linode for our Garry's Mod server (As some context I used to be a Division Leader for Garry's Mod and headed up ZS development before I brought Forrest on after he was recommended by someone). Now if you take a look at the pricing page you'll notice that they tell you how many CPU cores you get and you don't have the option to alter the clock speed of those CPUs. This is because, for the most part, modern software design prefers to scale using the number of cores over any single core's clock speed (i.e. multi-threaded computing). Now for Garry's Mod, this more or less doesn't work, as the LUA interpreter in Garry's Mod only can operate on one core. Linode isn't going to buy a new CPU just for us, it doesn't make any financial sense for them to do so. So we would have to move over to a larger provider like AWS and get something like their EC2 z1d Instances which at a minimum cost around $200 /month for the lowest spec instance (Garry's Mod probably still requires Windows to run the server). What HG can and cannot afford is a Homer question, but if we "try it out" and it works but we can't afford it, then what did we actually accomplish? Building your own server, in addition to the upfront cost, requires that you pay around $200 /month collocating in an existing data center, so that is out as a possibility. I'm not trying to be pessimistic and I appreciate that you want to help the server, but its a lot easier to say than to do.