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About #define

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  • Location
    Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Occupation
    Content Manager, Head Developer
  • Interests
    - Game Development.
    - Game Design.
    - Programming.

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  1. Oh. Hi there.

    1. ASCII


      Hello old Friend! Hope all is well.


    2. #define


      I am! How are you? Long time no see, however, still having you singing ''Rebel'' on my mind often enough!

    3. ASCII


      I am great, awesome to hear from you ole friend. That song was terrible thing, lol!! 

  2. Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday Girl :)

  7. It's been awhile..-Just before work.
  8. omg. it's you.

  9. daaaaam boi

    1. #define
    2. Toast


      rofl wat, only took you a few months.. 0o

    3. #define
  10. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. ->SK<-


      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  11. Happy Birthdayy!

  12. *pokes and tickles*

    1. ASCII


      {giggles uncontrollably} hi love, hope all is well in the great brittain.

    2. #define


      Of course it is sweety, though I wouldn't mind getting lost in the USA! Least more of a chance to be poking and tickling you. x) How are you babe?

    3. ASCII


      Everything is great! Come to the USA before trump builds a wall!