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About Giants745

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  1. I want to play the new Perp but is it worth my time?

    On Peak hours, what is the average playerbase

    1. EngineTrap


      sadly really low if not zero. D:

  2. Is there a map I can look at to see all of the places?
  3. I see Perp was semi updated.

    Looks like this summer I am going to have to try it.

  4. Hopefully this CSGO tournament is better than the last one.

  5. It's been quiet.

    1. mmss_joker



    2. KarmaOfPain
    3. TestingM


      *thinks about finding a screamer video but then decides better of it* :D

  6. HG has tried multiple times and it has failed every time. Minecraft is dominated by a few servers that have all of these different types of minigames and such. With all of these big youtubers playing on these servers, a big part of the community (primarily kids) will play on those servers exclusively. Now there are others players who do play the old game modes (typical survival, creative, etc. ) but are hard to find since they are very loyal to their server. Also since a huge population of minecrafters (uh.. that's a word) are 13 and UNDER, them joining HG is out of the question. (Yes I am aware, they can lie.) Minecraft is just not a smart investment to join into without a DEDICATED player base from the start.
  7. From personally experience the FX series is not the best. It is a reliable CPU and actually does not get very hot. The stock CPU cooler worked great. I would focus more on cooling the GPU.
  8. I mean hey, go ahead and do the SLI. I personally don't recommend it. For some odd reason SLI is not 100% reliable. The fact that a game has to pull VRAM (or whatever it is called) off of two cards simultaneously just opens the doors to problems. With these cards getting so powerful, just going for once it a good bet. The example with the two men does not work with SLI too. It depends on the games optimization. *FOR INSTANCE* If you have one GPU that puts CSGO at 500 frames, and then SLI with the SAME GPU. You are not automatically going to get 1000 frames. Maybe 600-800 but certainly not double. I personally wish this was the case, that would be amazing. Hopefully down the line developers will try to use SLI most efficiently.
  9. This is where I disagree. One better GPU is better then two "lesser" GPU's. Use SLI with GPU's is not always perfect. Some games just don't support it as well. I do agree 980 price is not worth it but I don't recommend two 970's.
  10. Today I passed my CCIE Security certification. Pretty happy :)

    1. BRUCE LEE 101

      BRUCE LEE 101

      Congrats Bro Hard work pays off. Im a certified Aifrcraft Technician and it took me 4 1/2 to be certified with hardwork. I took hundreds of exam to get to where i am now. Currently i am working on my second career as a police officers. Good luck in the future and never give up.

    2. Giants745


      Thanks, you too!

    3. KiLLeR SeNSaTioN™
  11. Hmmm lot's of problems with jailbreak (with trolls). If I would get some powers, I would clean it up :)



  12. They are discussing, simply that. As "leadership" you should know how member meetings and such go.