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0x48756776 last won the day on May 22 2019

0x48756776 had the most liked content!

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  1. C'est quoi une devez faire pour etre un membre?

  2. Wow. Racist against Canadians. What about Canada day fireworks?
  3. Happy birthday hug man!

  4. Happy Birthday, Hugs!!

  5. Wow, they just give anyone the D eh? Congrats Burnt! Well deserved
  6. So here's my battle station - Don't mind the messy desk, I've been too busy working to fix things up. Here's the PC Part Picker - https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bwDrZf Work computer on right side, running burp suite for a pentest, Gaming PC on the left. Full RGB cause of course. Better view of my gaming rig, with THC Vape on the bottom left by the microphone. Top middle left is a kitty named Stripey. And here we have the RGB in all its glory. Long term plan is to replace the cooler one day.
  7. Salsa Shack? Oh wait... Should be Hug's Penetration Nation
  8. Oof.. Rip JB.. JK Congrats Guys!
  9. woah you still go here?

  10. congratzzz on the move we could def use you in HGDC!!!

  11. congrats on moving spots!!