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  1. reported

    1. Past


      i too 


      am reported


  2. We're uï½ï½„ï½ï½”ing ï½ï½•ï½’ ï½ï½’ivï½ï½ƒï½™ã€€ï½ï½ï½Œï½‰ï½ƒï½™ã€€ï½‰ï½Žã€€ï½ï½’ï½…ï½ï½ï½’ï½ï½”iï½ï½Žã€€ï½†ï½ï½’ the EU's Generï½ï½Œã€€ï¼¤ï½ï½”ï½ã€€ï¼°ï½’ï½ï½”ectiï½ï½Žã€€ï¼²ï½…gulï½ï½”iï½ï½Žï½“ (GDPR) lï½ï½”er this ï½ï½ï½Žï½”h. Althï½ï½•ï½‡ï½ˆã€€ï½”hese chï½ï½Žï½‡ï½…s ï½ï½’e sï½ï½•ï½’red by Eurï½ï½ï½…ï½ï½Žã€€ï½Œï½ï½—, we think ï½ï½’ivï½ï½ƒï½™ã€€ï½‰ï½“ suï½ï½…r iï½ï½ï½ï½’ï½”ï½ï½Žï½” ï½ï½Žï½„ sï½ã€€ï½”hese chï½ï½Žï½‡ï½…s will ï½ï½ï½ï½Œï½™ã€€ï½”ï½ã€€ï½…ï½–ï½…ï½’ï½™ï½ï½Žï½…, nï½ã€€ï½ï½ï½”ter where yï½ï½•ï¼‡ï½’e lï½ï½ƒï½ï½”ed.


    Here's ï½ã€€ï½‘uick suï½ï½ï½ï½’y:


    We ï½ï½’en't ï½ï½“king tï½ã€€ï½ƒï½ï½Œï½Œï½…ct ï½ï½ï½’e dï½ï½”ï½ã€€ï½ï½’ use yï½ï½•ï½’ ï½ï½…rsï½ï½Žï½ï½Œã€€ï½„ï½ï½”ï½ã€€ï½„ifferently — insteï½ï½„, we're being ï½ï½ï½’e sï½ï½…cific ï½ï½Žã€€ï½ˆï½ï½— we use the infï½ï½’ï½ï½ï½”iï½ï½Žã€€ï½—e cï½ï½Œï½Œï½…ct, hï½ï½— lï½ï½Žï½‡ã€€ï½—e keeï½ã€€ï½”hï½ï½” dï½ï½”ï½ï¼Œã€€ï½ï½Žï½„ the rights yï½ï½•ã€€ï½ˆï½ï½–e regï½ï½’ding it.


    As ï½ï½ï½’t ï½ï½†ã€€ï½”hï½ï½”, we're ï½ï½Œï½“ï½ã€€ï½ï½„ding infï½ï½’ï½ï½ï½”iï½ï½Žã€€ï½ï½‚ï½ï½•ï½” hï½ï½— yï½ï½•ã€€ï½ƒï½ï½Žã€€ï½ƒï½ï½Žï½”ï½’ï½ï½Œã€€ï½”he usï½ï½‡ï½… ï½ï½†ã€€ï½™ï½ï½•ï½’ ï½ï½…rsï½ï½Žï½ï½Œã€€ï½„ï½ï½”ï½ã€€ï½ï½Žï½„ dï½ï½—nlï½ï½ï½„ the dï½ï½”ï½ã€€ï½”hï½ï½” yï½ï½•ï¼‡ï½–e ï½ï½’ï½ï½–ided tï½ã€€ï½•ï½“.


    Finï½ï½Œï½Œï½™ï¼Œã€€ï½—e're ï½ï½’ï½ï½–iding ï½ï½ï½’e clï½ï½’ity ï½ï½’ï½ï½•ï½Žï½„ the legï½ï½Œã€€ï½‚ï½ï½“es we use tï½ã€€ï½ï½’ï½ï½ƒï½…ss yï½ï½•ï½’ infï½ï½’ï½ï½ï½”iï½ï½Žï¼Œã€€ï½‰ï½Žï½ƒï½Œï½•ï½„ing ï½ï½’ï½ï½–iding the service tï½ã€€ï½™ï½ï½•ï¼Œã€€ï½ƒï½ï½ï½ï½Œï½™ï½‰ï½Žï½‡ã€€ï½—ith the lï½ï½—, iï½ï½ï½’ï½ï½–ing ï½ï½•ï½’ services, fighting ï½ï½‚use ï½ï½Žã€€ï½”he systeï½ï¼Œã€€ï½ï½Žï½„ develï½ï½ï½‰ï½Žï½‡ã€€ï½Žï½…w feï½ï½”ures fï½ï½’ yï½ï½•ï¼Ž

    1. MizzMadelyne


      attack, my followers! attack!

  3. Screenshotted

  4. do ur homework

  5. there is a penis in this image http://i.imgur.com/QmNsMbG.png

    1. blue :D

      blue :D

      Ayy it's not me