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MarylandUSA last won the day on September 29 2018

MarylandUSA had the most liked content!

About MarylandUSA

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    maryland USA

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Elite Member

Elite Member (5/10)



  1. killjoy hello baby

    1. MarylandUSA


      whats up playa? you livin large these days?

  2. Happy birthday Kollin! the Dammned! the myth! the legend!
  3. Daniel > Everyone else!

  4. welcome back bro! Long time no see 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silly


      i’m in bed rn got work early tomorrow, i’ll hop in tomorrow tho! 

    3. MarylandUSA


      im goin to hangout with my girl tomorrow. sat we doin the tourny right?


    4. Silly


      you know it 

  5. Oh hai... Congrats on the demotion. :)

    1. Burnt


      Dont rub it in dude smh

  6. he time has come to say goodbye to one of our own. as some of you know howler was in a battle with bone cancer for as long as i can remember. he fought his battle with all his might and survived longer then anyone thought he could. but on tuesday sept 25 howlers life ended. the cancer finally caught up to him. Howler was a HG legend. Everyone who knew him personally will say the same thing. i just wish we could all play some games together but sadly that wont happen anytime in the future. i just thought id let you guys know since he was part of this community for a long time. Rest easy Jedd Wiltshire. the pain is gone and you are free from this world! fly with the angels little buddy! we will miss you! his facebook if anyone cares https://www.facebook...edd.b.wiltshire this is howlers HG profile https://hellsgamers....r/20062-howler/
  7. the time has come to say goodbye to one of our own. as most of you know howler was in a battle with bone cancer for as long as i can remember. he fought his battle with all his might and survived longer then anyone thought he could. but on tuesday sept 25 howlers life ended. the cancer finally caught up to him. Howler was a HG legend. Everyone who knew him personally will say the same thing. i just wish we could all play some games together but sadly that wont happen anytime in the future. i just thought id let you guys know since he was part of this community for over 10 years. Rest easy Jedd Wiltshire. the pain is gone and you are free from this world! fly with the angels little buddy! miss you!


    also this is his facebook if anyone cares to post on his timeline.


  8. Making a comeback I see

    1. MarylandUSA


      gonna ride it out for awhile and see how i fit in after all these years.