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HG Veteran
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    10.00 USD 

Petercs94 last won the day on September 8 2022

Petercs94 had the most liked content!

About Petercs94

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  1. Damn, its been awhile. where the hell is everyone?

  2. im back & im betta


    1. myes


      welcome back

    2. brgr.


      Welcome back, loser.

    3. Benz


      Go thru the hallway!

  3. Wow would've looked nice with the corsair mouse I won months ago...Congrats SMD!
  4. Petercs94

    CS:S Super Mario Madness

    Piece of cake. Might as well give me my 1st place prize now..
  5. What's up people!!

    1. Benz


      Hey there!


    2. BOSCH



  6. Petercs94

    CS:S Lakeside Boom

    I'm going to win so just give me my headset now
  7. Thank you to @EddieCam and HG for sponsoring my lunch today! I am loving the monthly moderator raffles that CS:S is now having! RPReplay_Final1583470373 (1).MP4
  8. Congrats on vet, well deserved!

  9. Congratzzz on Vet bro!!!

  10. Congrats on vet buddy!

  11. I'm glad I was able to be apart of the Christmas at the Crackhouse event! Even though I'm still kind of salty that I got 2nd place(again); I am glad to be apart of such a badass community. Here is the corsair mouse I won courtesy of Eddiecam. Thanks again!
  12. mr. arrabiata. Pierino says hi