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Bunjee last won the day on January 21 2014

Bunjee had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Graphics Designer

Computer Specs

  • CASE
    HP Pavillion Dv6 6188ca 17" Laptop
  • CPU
    AMD A8 3510MX Quad Core 2.8Ghz
  • RAM
  • Graphics Card(s)
    Raedon HD 6620G + Raedon HD 6750m
  • Sound Card
    IDT Beats Audio
  • Cooling
    Targus Dual Fan USB Surface
  • Operating System
    Windows 7 64-Bit
  • Display Monitor(s)
  • Headset
    SteelSeries Fnatic 7H
  • Mouse
    SteelSeries Sensei
  • Keyboard
    SteelSeries Apex [RAW]

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  • XBOX Live
    eoX Carbon
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Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. For anybody that likes to watch anime shows, i currently do graphics design at Dubz Online. They have a huge list of dubbed and subbed anime shows to stream for free :) check them out if you would like www.dubzonline.tv

  2. Happy birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday Bunjeeeeeeeeeee!

  4. Happi byrthday! <3

  5. Anyone have Heroes Of The Storm ?

    1. Lady


      I read this a herpes of the storm.



  6. 18 downloads

    A middle earth style take on the HG logo
  7. Just finished making a HG Wallpaper http://i.imgur.com/2r0Rzo7.jpg Going to post it in the downloads if anyone wants it :)

    1. KarmaOfPain
    2. Britt<3


      That's really nice. Good job.

    3. Bunjee


      Thanks guys :)

  8. Oh baby a triple!

    1. StyleeZy


      3 status updates in 1 day? shit man you just trippled your activity

    2. Bunjee
    3. AdmirableAdmiral


      I R8 that b8 8/8 m8

  9. I have a friend that wants to join HG, he goes by the name Fraught on everything but the name is taken. The guy who has it only has 1 post and hasnt been active since 2010. Is there anyone that can help out ?

    1. KiLLeR SeNSaTioN™

      KiLLeR SeNSaTioN™

      ask RedDevil to delete him

    2. Bunjee


      i already got this resolved :D thanks though.

  10. I wanna transfer from Strat to CS:GO, who should I talk to about this ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bunjee


      hahaha, I play CS:GO more than I do league.

    3. StyleeZy


      you do everything more than you play league.

    4. Bunjee
  11. We have an HG wallpaper that I had made a while back, but its really nice. you could probably use it for your monitor wallpaper if you want. https://hellsgamers.com/files/file/33-hg-logo-wallpaper/
  12. ugh just finished Christmas shopping, $400 later -_-