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Card last won the day on April 7 2019

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    Middle of Nowhere, Oklahoma
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    M/T at a Senior Living Home

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    SADES SA-920
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    It's a Laptop I pulled out of a dumpster in College.

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  1. Hmm, a new name

    1. Card
    2. TestingM


      Oh - you changed your name in April and I didn't notice lol

    3. Card


      I didn't even notice, nor do I remember 

  2. LARP weekend = best weekend

  3. Greetings, Gamers. in this session of Card's Shitposting we will delve into what a shitpost is and why even doing it ironically is still shitposting. Take a Shot every time the word 'Shitpost' is mentioned to succumb to alcohol poisoning To begin we must know what a shitpost is, simply put it is a post that is full of shit and is considered cancerous. A more complex definition states: "Shitposting” is an Internet slang term describing a range of user misbehaviors and rhetoric on forums and message boards that are intended to derail a conversation off-topic, including thread jacking, circlejerking and non-commercial spamming. On any forum, the byproduct of shitposting is referred to as cancer. Now that we know what shitposting is we must look into an few examples Now as for ironic shitposting. This is where one mimics shitposting for the sake of... well shitposting. I you shitpost a shitpost you are still shitposting. The only way you may ironically shitpost without actually shitposting is with a shitpost license which I will be handing out in this very shitpost.
  4. I had one at that time, it was in my room sadly
  5. ok, so backstory, I got home from work early one day and checked my personal phone, which I leave at home because work supplies me a phone. I had 40 something text messages from my roomates in the group text of them arguing about chores and shit because they were both lazy assholes. I replied, and my one roommate, we will call him A, got super mad and told me he'd kick my ass. I let it sit and my other roommate, who is now called B, came home and we sat in the living room and just chit chatted. We agreed to sit down and talk about everything like rational adults. A got home, slammed the door and went straight to his room. The next thing I heard was the sound of a gun slide being pulled back and then he emerged from the curtain we had hung separating the hallway and living room. He started yelling and screaming and demanding things and threatened us with the gun. I moved out a few days later and the police were notified once I knew I was safe.
  6. Hi, I'm Card, and after coming back after dealing with some personal things (I.E. A roommate putting a gun in my face and the aftermath) I am here to do what I do best
  7. Congratz on Director, how late am I?

    1. TestingM


      Associate Director

    2. Card


      Close enough

  8. Pizza Night (The Supposed Meme) is a go. 7/22/2018 6PM CST

    1. TestingM


      mushroom & pineapple!

    2. Zeused


      is this still a thing

    3. TestingM
  9. #ThisIsAShitPost #DespiteWhatISay