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Executive Council Senior Executive Director of Internal Affairs
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Kigen last won the day on January 18 2022

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  1. daum bro. you're still here. 

    1. Kigen
    2. Moto


      Other than Homer, you are the only other name I recognize high up from way back. Hope you are well.

  2. Kigen

    HG fa**** Rule.

    Anyway, we do have existing rules that can be applied today in cases of harassment or disrespect. I'm going to lock this to head off some drama that is already starting on other channels. It is being discussed in leadership chats.
  3. Kigen

    HG fa**** Rule.

    Banning words doesn't really work and generally creates tons of issues. Some of the issues: 1. "I'm of x demographic, I should be allowed to use the word." (Common with a certain racial slur.) 2. They will just find some other way around any word filter. For example, ZS banned it a while back, and then everyone switched to calling people autistic. Which using the same logic would result in more word bans. GMod division didn't do this since its really is useless. 3. The simple fact of the matter is that people like to trash talk. And they do so with words they are familiar with from their real life. (Basically grade school insults.) We've always allowed trash talk as long as it doesn't go too far. The real solution is to understand and target the underlying behavior. For example, when someone says a racial slur they generally are doing so to troll (aka disrupting the server). We already have rules in place about "being respectful." We need to enforce that rule rather than constantly make new ones to "protect specific demographics." (My argument here is we need to protect everyone, not certain demographics.) So if anyone is, for example, targeting you with harassment or otherwise disrespect please make an HGBans report on them. We already have rules available to deal with this situation. I also think one of the things we could better add is a way that you would be able to block someone from sending you anything if you just don't like the way they say things. Sort of like the way ZS allows people to selectively mute people they don't want to hear. (We get complaints of "squeakers" there. Basically people with high pitched voices that aren't otherwise breaking a rule.)
  4. Single core performance of 5050X is massively improved over 3950X. Particularly the issue with 3950X is the cache. Of course when we first crowd funded the 3950X it was the best CPU available. 5950X has been released and thus is the superior option. It also stays on the AM4 socket so we only need the CPU, we don't have to change anything else. Single core performance tests. https://www.anandtech.com/show/16214/amd-zen-3-ryzen-deep-dive-review-5950x-5900x-5800x-and-5700x-tested/9 Article detailing cache improvements. https://appuals.com/amd-zen-3-architectural-improvements-explained/ The progression of CPU tech is one of those things that you could always try to hold off for the better CPU but then you'd be holding off forever. Since the better CPU is always going to be available within the next year.
  5. If someone is trolling then report them on HGBans. When people bring up topics like that they are generally doing it just to get a rise out of people, aka trolling.
  6. Happy Birthday Amigo!

  7. Happpy Birthday!!!

  8. Benz

    Happy Bday!

  9. Congrats Kigen & thank you!

  10. Congratulations! Now that you made it, can we get corn dogs and knishes added to the HellsGamers cafeteria? 

  11. Congratulations! :) 

  12. Benz

    Congrats Big Guy!

  13. Congratulations!