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bigjohnMS last won the day on March 22 2017

bigjohnMS had the most liked content!

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Elite Member V

Elite Member V (9/10)



  1. You still alive baby!!!


    1. Benz


      My boy big john!

    2. Chains


      Yes im here 

  2. bigjohnMS

    unbanned Ts Unbaned?

    can i get unbanned? from ts
  3. Shit big john sorry to see your leaving man! Thank you for all your hard work and loyalty. I hope you reconsider

    1. bigjohnMS


      Cant now bro i dont think they let guest reconsider

  4. How's life been for ya bud!!

  5. Steamname BigjohnMS Steamid STEAM_0:0:28716613 put me in coach!!
  6. whats up homie, how you livin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doobie


      pretty good, are you a god at csgo now :P

    3. bigjohnMS


      shoot im a jack of all trades and a master of known

    4. bigjohnMS


      where u been at brother miss ya man!!!

  7. miss ya my dude!

    1. bigjohnMS


      ya me to bro been awhile

  8. I love you john and you can't never leave unless I approve

  9. Bigjohn i luv u


  10. I'm just curious how many people of HG want me to stay in this journey or is my time come to an end with HG?


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. BOSCH


      BigjohnMS should be welcomed back into the fold, he is a terrific leader, hes a lovely guy, we all got are own shit, and I think everyone should remember that.

    3. DirtyDNA


      you should leave you butt head. I'll frig you up if you come around these parts again.

    4. CletusP



  11. go here hommie must attach their SteamID by going here
  12. nice bout time congrats mini me!!!
  13. Way to miss the event :P Hope all is good!