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Retired Leadership
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BOSCH last won the day on April 12 2023

BOSCH had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    La Florida
  • Occupation
    Teacher of the Arts & Computer Science, IT Professional, Produce Manager, Club Promotion
  • Interests
    Cultural Anthropology, Political Science, Linguistics, Art, Men's Formal Fashion, Physics, Good Times.

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  • ICQ

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Elite Member V

Elite Member V (9/10)



  1. Welcome back, so glad to have you two back in the fold. Congratulations, and do your thing! We all appreciate you fellas!
  2. Zekk

    It happens to everyone! Change is the only constant.

    1. BOSCH


      Thank you buddy, I appreciate it, HeLLsGamers is the ONLY place for me, we all need to make sure @EddieCam know what a great job that he does. If it wasn't for Eddie... I just dont, I am just so thankful for all his hard work, and his SOLID friendship. Thank you @EddieCam for being more than a brother to me... You know what what im saying, and I appreciate everything you do with my whole heart

  3. I am sorry with my new job I have little time to participate as much as I would love too. I want to say thank you to everyone keeping the HeLLsGamers Family alive!!! @EddieCam Not only are you a great leader, but a terrific friend as well, thank you for all that you do brother!

  4. Hey BOSCH! ❤️

    1. BOSCH


      Hey buddy! I miss playing together, we got to soon! Sorry been so busy with work lately, thats what happens when you join management! 👨‍💼

    2. Knoxtane


      For sure we will!

  5. Sorry I just dont listen to her music or her type of music. When she first came out they constantly played her songs on the radio and the dose I got then has made me fine for the rest of my life lol xD I listen to people like Sam Cooke, Curtis Mayfield, Otis Redding and artist similar to those artist.
  6. Welcome to HGDC!!! Hope to see your contribution soon, best of luck to you. You will find everyone in HG is nice and understanding, talk with you soon!

  7. BOOOOOO!!!!!! lol, sorry but if this real I dont think she deserved it....
  8. Miss ya buddy, hope you've been doing alright!

    1. Yiddman


      I've been doing good. I've been in and out of Crack house server. See Runfast in there a lot. Started full time traveling coast to coast this year.

    2. BOSCH


      Yeah Ive been stoppin in whenever my schedule provides, but because we short staffed at work I am having to work everyday. I wish I could afford to travel, thats all I've ever wanted to do, I am probly going to take 2-3 weeks off and go to Pennsylvania and New Jersey and see family soon, hoping to go in a couple months, fingers crossed!!

  9. Congratz, and thank you for join mapping/dev, we appreciate your contribution!

  10. Congratz on promo to ZS Mod!

  11. Welcome to the Social Media Team! We are happy to have you apart of the team, and in HeLLsGamers as a whole!

  12. Congratz on HGDC promo!!!

  13. Congratz on promo to HGDC Lead!!!!