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    Ocala Florida
  • Occupation
    Concrete Carpenter / Operator
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    Video games / work

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    Armor Jr.
  • CPU
    Inten i7 3.4ghz
  • CPU Cooler
    Mr Cool Liqued Nitrogen
  • RAM
    8 gig Corsair
  • Graphics Card(s)
    r9 270x Radeon
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  • Power Supply
    500w EVGA
  • Operating System
    Windows 10
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    Samsung 28 inch AMOLED
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    Razer Naga Lava edition
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  1. No sir, Im not trying to start a fucking flame war with some random i never met. What im saying here is im tired of seeing people openly discussing child pornography. You do not know the details or the context im coming from so please.. Just dont reply to my shit if you have nothing constructive to say.. This isnt a flame war. Use your brain Using what you just said.. That makes being racist ok? No it doesnt.. Please stop replying to my topic so it doesnt get locked because somebody tripped over themselves to start a flame war.
  2. They arnt just talking about it.. They are going into Detail about it.. Literally talking about penetration ... or else why would i even post this? Use your brain Here is another example with something that just another word can land you Say the N word in any HG place.. Watch what happens.. Talk about underage child pornagraphy and the most you might get depending on how nasty you get is a stop
  3. Lately there has been an influx of open discussion of Loli / Lolita pornography in chat involving the Zombie Survival server... Loli / Lolita literally means Underage girl. I have discussed this with admins and they claim that it is legal in the united states and so people are allowed to openly discuss this in chat. Im here to show you its NOT legal in the united states to possess or view this material and should not be even in the fucking chat... People get kicked/muted for saying the Racist term for black people.. But talking about child porn is alright? no.. This guy landed in prison for Loli. http://www.gazetteli...illegal-7958896 Here is the exact fucking law made it a criminal offence to be in possession of “prohibited images†of children. This is defined closely to require that the image is first grossly offensive and obscene, and pornographic for purposes of sexual arousal. It also requires that the focus is principally on the child’s genitals and sexual regions, or includes one of various sexual acts either with the child or in the presence of the child. It also covers images that depict sexual activity in the presence of or between children and an animal, whether dead, alive, or imaginary. Add this rule. Stop the Child Pornography
  4. Then it looks like i was wrong.
  5. I am glad you think me out to be some dumbass or whatever your opinion is of me.. But i do actually not just dick around. Thanks for the permaban without proof. Cya
  6. No...where are the photos of where he was as last human please.. I said i checked before teleporting but i guess that doesn't matter... Nor did i leave afterwards
  7. He was running back and forth behind the wall on the staircase on the large mall with the iceburg right outside where the zombies spawned... I did not leave right after. The map changed and we all continued to play.. He was last human w/ the buff and i ran away from ALL the other zombies and teleported him across the room from where i was...he was NOT teleported into a horde of zombies. .. he landed on the other side of the wall he was stuck behind. There is no hallway there i checked before i teleported him... those snapshots do not show Me / Bushmaster / Where he was / or anything else other than A teleport and my reply to he was stuck. Trying to wrap my head around how any of these snapshots validate anything he said other than he "thinks" i am abusing.. Yes he said he wasnt stuck. But being outside the map doesnt always mean your "stuck".
  8. You guys waiting untill after April 17th patch to roll out ZS update?
  9. Text: WONDERLAND Backround: Surprise me. Associated with Alice in Wonderland Font(provide link if not standard photoshop fonts): ANY Render(s): ANY Colors: ANY Avatar/Signature/Profile Backround: ANY
  10. After firing the Ricochet Magnum at a wall / floor and hitting a zombie with the bouncing bullet ( NOT HARD TO ACCOMPLISH ).. It literally sends whatever zombie bosses included ACROSS ANY MAP... provided they dont hit a wall you can seriously launch any zombie across the map by bouncing the shot off the ground. if just 6-10 people have ricochet magnums you can seriously prevent ANY zombie from reaching a cade.. god forbid its used in one of the hallway maps.. Needs bandage PLZ
  11. Lol. You're such a fanboy.

    1. Chabekak


      -Signed, wonderland

  12. So people can freely fake messages in an effort to get other people banned with no repercussions? at all?

    1. Chabekak


      Cause so far thats what has happend

    2. FoxHound


      There were repercussions; two wrongs don't make a right so stop harassing people.

  13. Aft er seeing this post i have been keeping an eye on the other ZS servers.. HG is consistently at the top.. Whats the problem? I think this is a post to just say "hey lets be nox"
  14. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Garry's Mod In-Game Name Wonderland Location Ocala, Florida How old are you? 26 Which games (servers) do you play on? HellsGamers Zombie Survival How long have you been playing on our servers? 2012 What is your Steam ID / GUID? 1:17029986 Why do you want to join HG? Been apart of HG ZS on Gmod for quite some time.. figured its worth a shot. I was previously accepted but failed to respond in time before the application defaulted All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? -- Any other information you want to include? consistently on a daily basis helping new people out with any questions they have regarding ZS while in game.Fully aware of most if not all the rules by memory and have served as Gold Member for 8+ months.. Almost a year ..something like that